Short Stories
by Robert L. - bio#42183
"Are you sure, though, you want to hear it? I mean, it’s probably not as exciting as you’ve begun to imagine.”
"Yes! I’m sure, don’t be silly. Why don’t you just start?”
“That’s just it, I’m not sure where.”
“The beginning! What’s the idea of it?”
“Tricky, is what. Very tricky. I haven't quite finished it though."
"That's little matter. You've read enough to get some tickling from it, so you must have a feel
for the meaning. Where's it trying to connect to you, reader? In a word, what's the thesis?"
"She says she can prove the only true vegetables are green ones.”
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by Rachelle K - bio#11588
Excerpt: A trip to the mall and a day out with Dad, leaving Mom, little brother, and grandparents behind; nothing could’ve made us happier. We bundled up in our winter coats and headed out into the chilly day toward the bus stop. After boarding, we rode to the train station and got on the train that led to Scarborough Center. Bumped and jostled, my dad, brother, and I entered the mall with a sea of other shoppers.
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A Mysterious Place
by Hannah H. - bio#62852
You step onto the tile floor, sucking in a breath at the cold sensation. It’s bad enough you don’t have a blanket, but now you wish you had some socks or shoes. Looking around, you notice a large painting on the wall. You walk over to it and notice a small plaque beneath it. It says something in a language you’ve seen before but never understood. It is Louisiana Creole French--you studied it in history class last year. One glance at the painting, and you can tell you are in the house of an old plantation owner.
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by Eliana C. - bio#46270
When it’s warm enough, I often see Miss Lily outside. She sits in an ancient wooden rocking chair that looks almost as old as she is, contentedly watching the world go by. Her wrinkled hands are always occupied with some sewing or knitting project, and her face is never found without a smile. But that all changed the day the marigolds withered.
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Learn to Fly
Chloe H. - bio#51594
“Okay guys, this is it. I’ve finally got it!” Stella exclaimed. “I’ve fully constructed a flying contraption for you, Courtney!” She had a big smile on her face.
“For real this time?” I asked, my eyes lighting up. I could finally fly like the other superheroes in our group! I was kind of “adopted” into the superhero group after they learned I was a superhero with no teammates, who could only run really fast. But why do that when you could fly?
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One Stormy Night
by Allison C. - bio# 58448
I woke up to what I thought were bombshells, but then realized that thunder had awakened me in another of my horribly vivid nightmares. Ever since I left my family, and entered the American troops fighting in Germany in World War II, they have been getting more frequent and more terrifying. I think it was because I am claustrophobic, and hated living in the trenches. This one went back to another cold, stormy night about a year ago. . .
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Not Left Behind
by Selah C. - bio#46269
She saw them burst into the dining room. She shut her eyes and murmured a frantic prayer, “Help me Jesus, please, help me!” Inhaling slowly, she opened her eyes, and in horror watched the scene unfold before her. Tables were overturned, dishes were scattered on the floor, and just behind her, she heard one of the restaurant’s windows shatter. She glanced down and saw shards of broken glass lying at her feet. Most of the women were huddled in a corner, while a few of the male diners tried to fight off the AC men. Yes, that was it, they were recruiters from the AC.
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A Gray Fox With Silver Eyes
by Hannah H. - bio#62852
It was evening now, and James was glad he had grabbed a lantern when he dashed out of the door before his parents could ask where he was going. He surveyed his trousers and shirt, and was disappointed to see he had ripped the knee of his pant leg when he tripped over a large root. He had a few scratches here and there, but otherwise he was just fine. He leaned his head back against the dark wood, and that’s when he heard it. A small crack of a branch. The unmistakable crunching noise of leaves in the fall. “Hello?”
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The Mysterious House
by Abigail B. - bio#91728
Once upon a time there were two girls. They were best friends and did almost everything together. Their names were Rachel and Sophie. Rachel is ten years old and loves to read, do crafts, and help others. Sophie is eleven years old and likes to explore things and learn. Once, they were outside playing when they came to this big, torn down house. It had huge cobwebs everywhere you looked and wood dangling off the house shingles. The door was wide open and pieces of shattered glass were all over the floor. Random pieces of furniture littered the porch. Yet the weirdest thing of all was that there was a newly lit candle on the windowsill. . .
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