Longer Works/Novels
Fictional pieces over 5,000 words or 4 pages long.

~Manuscript Preview~ by Robert L. - bio#42183
Iekree, in a steady glide with Hehal between the valleys of space that separated the trees, looked
ahead and behind them as he flew. He wasn’t afraid, just properly wary.
The pair perched on a thin branch amid the more exposed heights of the canopy. It was a brief
rest, a breath-catching, and a chance to scout about before hopping off to flutter to the next
landing and the next.
Then suddenly, across the blowing wind, the silence emitted a wreathing shriek. The calm of
the forest was shattered for Hehal and Iekree as the cry’s maker emerged from the dim folds of
snow and sky before them.

One Spring day my father went to see a friend
One whom he hadn't chanced to visit since last Spring's end.
My father was held in a steadfast new conviction
At his friend's genial prodding, he hung up his blue hat.
He frowned at the red painting and stepped over the brown mat.
He took none of the offered tea, on seeing the cup was yellow.
Then with a nod to his dear fellow, in the indigo chair he sat.
From a book that he of late had read.

The Burning Tree by Robert L. - bio#42183
The Burning Tree, the Burning Tree,
Wrought speckled flames illumine us;
Here I and there the Burning Tree,
Light livid staining night volm'nous.
Chartres' glass is canvas mimicked
And mirrored is lucent fire opal
As colors blaze in skies sun-fled
Wreathing branches for a candle.

The Christmas of 2012 by Abigail B. - bio#91728
If you're reading this, it means you have taken a sudden interest in my Christmas 7 years ago.
My name is Elinor Thorn and the Christmas you are going to hear about was when I was 13 years old.
Now you are probably thinking “Well, I already know what’s gonna happen. There’s going to be some type of problem before Christmas and then in the end, it’s solved.” But this story is a bit different. In this story I will be learning two very important lessons that will change every Christmas from this year forward.

The Last War by Isaac B. - bio#72800
Ember awoke with a start. One thing was for sure, she was no longer on the top of Sikari Tower. Rostov must have succeeded. She climbed to her feet and looked around. There was a strange feeling of familiarity to this place… Suddenly, she caught the noise of a company of men making their way toward her. There must have been a noise when she landed. That’s odd, she thought. The only time she had had such precognition was when— Suddenly it hit her. This was Ashenwood Forest! And if this was the same time as it was when she left… She felt a sudden dread. That meant Arrin was still around, and Arrin always brought fear and calamity. The men were closer. Fortunately Arrin himself was not among them, but some his men were. If she remembered correctly, he had been sending troops to aid the revolution in the southern provinces; and it was this that had brought about her departure. The men had nearly reached the clearing where she stood. Hurriedly, she phased through a huge fallen tree a short way into the forest and crouched behind it. The men entered the clearing a moment later. “It came from this way,” one shouted. “That was no ordinary forest noise. Someone is here.” “Quiet! I want to listen.” This last voice was that of one of Arrin’s worst men. The blackguard was deadly cunning and he possessed a small portion of Ember’s precognitive sense, which was unusual for most Phasers. She held perfectly still, hoping against hope that he wouldn’t notice. ”Behind that tree there,” he said finally. So much for that. Several of the group lifted the tree away, as Ember phased through a pile of fallen branches behind a tree. “You can’t hide forever, Ember.” He drew his sword.
The Spinning Fan by Robert L. - bio#42183
The spinning fan
Has four blades and
Spins around the
Room so fast it
Comes to where it
Started and it
Starts around the
Loop again and
Never stops for
Traffic in the
Air because it

Summer by Natalie L. - bio#24351
I toss my phone onto the end of the bed and cover my head with a pillow. I can hear the sound of my parents yelling at each other downstairs. My dad is yelling something about getting the custody rules changed and my mom says she likes them the way they are.
Let me explain. I’m Summer Watson. I'm 16 and I live in California in the San Francisco bay area with my mom most of the time. I live with my dad in Palo Alto every other weekend. My parents divorced last year and even though they divorced they’re still constantly fighting. I’m an only child which is fine with me. I have enough to deal with already without tossing a naughty little sibling into the mix.

“Agh!” I screamed. In the mirror I saw, not me, but a six foot tall girl with extremely long hair, compared to mine, pulled back with pins. I heard loud thudding coming from near my room.
“What's wrong this time, Kira? You know the whole world can hear you when you scream like that, right?” A tall boy stood in front of me raising his eyebrow expecting an answer, but all I could think of was how much I recognized him.
“Who are you exactly, and why do you look so familiar?”
He paused a moment, staring at me like I was stupid. “I’m your brother Hector, you doofus. Now come down and eat. Breakfast is getting cold and you're gonna be late for work,”

"A man paces across the floor of his lodgings. He is not old; he is in his early twenties. But he is very clever. Dangerously so. His plans are going exactly as he wishes, as they have for 3 years. He is nothing if not patient. He looks out the window at the huge wall separating the town from the palace gardens. The monolithic gates gleam in the late afternoon sun, guards standing dutifully at the sides. They are there to greet passerby more than to block intruders, for who would want to intrude? Too bad for them. He smiles faintly. Yes, too bad indeed. They cannot stop him; his plans are too deeply laid. The king is weak. He will not listen to reason; reason planted by his 'advisors'. The man smiles wryly at the thought. They should really have better security. As it is, he will soon change that. If the king is out of the way, Sikari can trigger his other plots. They won't know what hit them. And they won't ask, either. If all goes as planned, he will sit on that fool's throne within a week. And the world will realize just how far a man will go for power."