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Dans Sports Posts- Surveys!

HI GUYS! I Know this isnt an article, but i wanted to know what you guys wanted to see in sports! Would you like to see more of sport A or Sport B, which league and what teams you would like to read about, stuff like that! Please drop in the comments your fav teams what you would like to read! So please please please please enter some comments down on what you would like to see!

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Unknown member
May 30, 2022

Hello! I'm not really up-to-date on sports, but I still enjoy hearing of my home state's teams. If you could include the Twins and/or Minnesota Vikings, that would be amazing. Thanks for asking!


May 19, 2022

I’m not really in to sports, but I do love softball and volleybal! If you could do either of those that’d be great!😁


May 17, 2022

My knowledge of the sports world is limited to football, fav team being the Bills, but any news about the NFL I would find interesting. Oh or that new league, idr what it's called... idk much about it but it sounds interesting.


Not Shellyfish🐚
Not Shellyfish🐚
May 17, 2022

I'm really not into American sports teams since I haven't watched them since like a decade ago, but La Liga, Premier League, Serie A, Ligue Un (I think that's how it's spelled? idk even tho I have a PSG jersey😅) etc I could get into😁 though that stuff is so far away from any of us.

Not Shellyfish🐚
Not Shellyfish🐚
May 25, 2022
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I can't believe I forgot...I would more importantly care about NASCAR!!! as anyone who's read my bio will know😊

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