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How To Build A Website: Part X— CSS

Writer's picture: IsaacBIsaacB

CSS is a fairly simple language. Much of it has been discussed in Part I, but there are a few other details. We will also use CSS to stylize the login page.

As has been discussed, CSS consists of a selector, a pair of braces, and a list of properties. The selector can begin with:

nothing—this modifies the CSS of every element of the specified type in the document

a dot—this signals a class definition. A class can be used to apply a group of effects to the element using it.

a # sign—this signals an element id. It applies the specified effects to the element with a matching id.

Following the selector is a list of properties, which consist of a property name, a colon, and the value of the property. The properties come between braces {} and end with semicolons. Some CSS properties include: border; background image, color, or gradient; font color, size, or family; and can even keep an element at the corner of the viewport despite the scroll position.

A further detail is that CSS element selectors can be applied to an element only if it is within another element. For example, we would apply effects to any button in a form, we would use

form button {

//some stuff


Now we will use CSS to stylize our login page.

Right now, our login page is a rather simple affair, consisting of two input fields and their labels and a button. We will use CSS to stylize the page and make it look more attractive.


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>Log In</title>

<!-- Set the text displayed as the tab name -->


//We use a <style> tag to embed CSS code directly into the document without having to link to an external CSS file

button {

color: #212529;

background-color: transparent;

border: 1px solid transparent;

font-size: 16pt;

border-radius: 5px;

transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;

//This is some complicated CSS, but I will list its effects in order:

/* The text color of the button is set to a very dark blue-gray

*The button's background color is made transparent

*The border is set to a transparent, 1-pixel, solid line

*The font size is set to 16 points

*The edges are rounded

*The button's transition when clicked is set



.heading {

color: darkgreen;

background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);

//set the RGB color of the element, and set the opacity to 0.25

font-family: Avenir;


body {

background-color: darkgray;


input {

border-radius: 5px;

border: 1px solid black;


#username:hover {

//when someone hovers over the username field...

border: 2px solid darkcyan;

opacity: 0.5;


#password:hover {

//Same for the password field

border: 2px solid cadetblue;

opacity: 0.5;










<img src="your image URL" width="200">






<form action="validate.php" method="post">

<label class="heading" for=“username”>Username:</label>

<input id=“username” name=“username” placeholder="Username">

<!-- Set the placeholder of the element -->

<label class="heading" for=“password”>Password:</label>

<input type=“password” id=“password” name=“password” placeholder="Password">

<button>Log In</button>


Now our login page looks much more attractive. Next, we will build a homepage, where the user will be sent after logging in successfully. As a note, the homepage will be written in a PHP type file, allowing for embedded PHP script, which may be added later.


A blank HTML file —Experiment!

A blank PHP file —May soon be useful...


Post: Blog2_Post
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