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Random Things No One Needs to Know! - 3/1/21

Maybe one days these random facts will be useful to you...

1. Some cats are allergic to humans.

2. It takes 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll lollipop. I guess I'll buy one and take a lick every day this year……

3.Grapes explode in the microwave. OOOOOO! I kinda wanna try this one out.

4. It’s illegal to carry an ice cream in your back pocket in Kentucky. I wonder if someone could actually report you to the police for that.

5. A snail can sleep for three years at a time. And I thought I slept in late…..

6. The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

7. Charles the First of England paid his chef £500 (697.03 USD) a year to keep his ice cream recipe a secret. That's one expensive secret!

8. There is a technical name for the "fear of long words." It's called "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia."

9. The Cookie Monster has a real name. It's Sid. No joke.

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Bella Howe
Bella Howe
05 mar 2021

Sid??????? Oh my word XD

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03 mar 2021

In Vermont, it is illegal to whistle underwater.

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03 mar 2021

I've never gotten arrested for it tho... 😁

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03 mar 2021

In NY ice cream law is the same, but it's only in effect on Sundays.

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02 mar 2021

I was born in Kentucky. Good thing I never carried ice cream in my back pocket...XD

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02 mar 2021
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