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Random Things No One Needs to Know - 3/3/21

Writer's picture: OliviaOlivia

“Maybe one days these random facts will be useful to you…”

1. McDonald’s sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year. Wut….. That's a lot of cows…..

2. You can find peanuts in dynamite. Ever go do the zoo and don’t have peanuts but have a stick of dynamite? Hmmmm

3. Chimichanga means “thingamajig”. Considered to be Mexican food, chimichangas actually originated from Tucson, Arizona. Hey did ya know “thingamajig” is a real word? It means “a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name.”

4. Pizza Hut used to be the nation’s biggest purchaser of kale.

5. 49% of Americans over 20 eat a sandwich every day.

6. A ridiculous amount of Nutella is sold every year. So much so, that it could cover The Great Wall of China 8 times, you could circle the world 1.8 times, and the amount weighs the same as the Empire State Building.

7. In Washington, It's illegal to kill Bigfoot. Skamania County, Washington, passed a law in 1969 deeming the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by 5 years in prison." The law was later amended, designating Bigfoot as an endangered species. People are getting dumber and dumber….. LOLOLOL

8. Silly String has been banned in Southington, Connecticut since 1996.


Mar 04, 2021

Also, the name of the company that develops Minecraft (Mojang) means 'gadget' or 'thing' in Swedish.


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Mar 04, 2021

@IsaccB Lol yep


Mar 04, 2021

Well, when Bigfoot comes and eats the county, we know why...

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