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Random Thoughts & Musings - 11/8/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring OAGGOR!! (Nat, Elly, Rolando, Mia, Marco, Grayscale, Andrew, and Bug)

Hello and welcome to that delightfully chaotic place of randomness known to the world as RTAM. Lol, I love that so much!! As you can judge from the title, Allison and I have had the amazing privilege of featuring our wonderful OAGGOR in this post!!! Thank you all so much for joining us! You’re welcome. Yes, we are so happy you guys could participate! In this edition of RTAM, we’ll be playing two games: Trivia and This or That. I must warn you that trivia questions which I don’t know the answers to may receive...interesting answers. Oh, I’m counting on it. 😉😂 Lol, I hope you guys enjoy! ♥


1 Corinthians 13:4 “Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,”

This verse is usually spoken as the adapted version: Love is patient, love is kind: it does not envy, it does not boast. This verse is packed with things we can learn from. A lot of times we think of love as a lovey-dovey movie or kissing. It’s so much more though! Love is what brought God’s Son to earth to die for us. Love is the reason He was born in a manger! After all the sin we’ve committed in our lives, he still loves us, adores us, and wants us to be with him 24/7. And He did it all in humility and not out of pride at all. Isn’t it amazing to think that the Lord of all creation loves me and you to the point He died the worst form of death!!!! He loves all of us and it should be a huge encouragement to us all.


This or That

Football or basketball?


Coke or Pepsi?


Guacamole or salsa?


Super hero movie(Marvel) or pirate movie(Pirates of the Caribbean)? (Why is there a massive gap?) I was wondering the same thing. 😂 I was very tempted to put them together😂 I was tempted to put a hidden message there. I highlighted it, like, 5 times to see if there WAS a hidden message there. 🤣 haha yeh me too! I pressed command+A and there was nothing so I pressed command+A again thinking that’s how to unhighlight it (I should have just clicked off to the side) and the whole document went to just the letter A. 🤣 I was so scared, but then I realized I could just hit undo. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣 Thank goodness for the undo button lol! Ohhh yes. That is literally my worst nightmare! I would have been such an embarrassing failure. 🤣

I’ve only seen the former, so I’d have to go with that. (“I wasn’t stealing anything, I was just returning something I stole”) Antman IQ level😂 Lol! The Antman movies are soooooo hilarious lol.

Apple or Microsoft? (Oh dear please don’t tell me you think Windows is better!? It is Is it tho? I beg to differ. [*sits back and watches the fireworks*])

Apple. Then again, never really had much from Microsoft. (Same. There’s a PC downstairs though, and I can’t say it’s much better than the computer I’m writing this on.)

Books or movies?

Oh, definitely books! I’m a HUGE bookworm! (I think we all agree there) (Yes, yes we do.) (Yayyyyyy, you’re awesome, Mia! XD)

Tea or coffee?

Tea for sure! (I don’t drink coffee) Tea is awesome. 😋 Coffee is hideous. I agreeeeee. Tea is SOOO much better! It is not! It’s good lol! Not as wonderful as tea, but still! 😅 It’s dried up bean dust in water. Tea is basically the essence of dried up leaves and herbs, right? 😂 It’s still not as weird as bean dust. 🤣 It tastes horrible too. Yeah, we’ll go with that. . . 🤣 It’s better with sugar, my friend. 😂 Sugar is better without coffee, my friend. 🤣 Oh, so you’d go eat a sugar cube instead of drinking one of those amazing coffee drinks?! Yep I CANNOT SPELL TODAY!!!!!!! KJSEFLKSDFJIOSFDJIOSEFJIFS I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!! I can imagine that sentence was from you ferociously beating your keyboard. 🤣🤣🤣 YES!!!!! YES, IT WAS!!!!! XDXDXD Anyway 😂, sugar by itself isn’t caramel flavored!! Caramel and coffee is amazing!!!!! How about caramel and sugar? Wait, isn’t caramel MADE of sugar? I think it is….. Or am I just confused lol? (I did a bunch of school today, so my brain is literally dying XD) From Google: Different types of caramels are made with the basic ingredients: milk, condensed milk, corn syrup, sugar, oil, butter, and molasses. Oh, okay. So sugar is in caramel, but there’s a lot more to it haha. You know what’s the very best combination? What? Caramel and ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN. YESSSS 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 Good idea. 👍 Lol, I would give up coffee for ice cream ANY DAY! ME TOOOO 😂 Definitely. Or just eat coffee ice cream with caramel syrup on top. . . 😅 I do like coffee ice cream, just not coffee. I have no comment at this time Haha!

Dogs or cats?

DOGS!!!! Cats are too grouchy.

Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?

Oh, smooth peanut butter for sure, since it's what I always have. Although I did have crunchy peanut butter a couple times and it was pretty good!

Math or Science?

Hmmm that’s a tough one, those are literally my two least favorite subjects 😂 I think maybe math is slightly less terrible…? 😂 Lol!!!! I have two math courses, Geometry and Chemistry. Same!! 🤣 Me too, they are both horrendous XD

Fruits or veggies?

Either, but I’ll go with fruits. (Why don’t people like peas, answer me that....) becuz they're weird lol! What do you mean weird!? (Wait don’t answer that we don’t want this becoming a debate on peas....Well, there IS a reason this is called RTAM. . . feel free to debate peas if you want. 🤣) Well, I mean who saw a pea, and was like, Ima add this to lunch! That'll fill me up!😂plus I feel like they have a weird texture when u eat them and/or mash them. Idk maybe just me. …....Me. Rolando has a good point, and I even like peas. 😅 What I don’t understand is people who like beans but don’t like peas… isn't the pea pretty much just what’s inside the bean??? Kind of, but peas just taste way weirder. Yeah, I feel like they just exist, they don’t have much of a point XD


Pumpkin. I would rather have that, because I hate cooked fruit. Neither of those are that great though. *is tempted to remove you from the post because of your lack of taste (no pun intended lol)* *decides not to because I’m technically the one who invited you* (Oh good. I’m of the same opinion minus pumpkin not being that great...) Oh, I despise pumpkin (O . O)

Ford trucks or Chevy trucks?

I dunno. 😂 I'm just gonna go with Ford cuz it sounds cool. (Ok. 🤣 I like them better too.)

Chocolate or candy?

oh wow what a toughy...CHOCOLATE!!!!! AMEN, SISTER!!!!!!! 😂 CHOCOLATE!!!!!! CHOCOLATTE 100%! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I won’t have to remove you from the post. XDXDXD (What about chocolate candy? It’s a 2 in 1 deal.)

Spotify or Pandora?

Pandora. (I don’t have Spotify though so I can’t really be fair. I’m open to trying Spotify!) Yay!

Salty or sweet?

Oh man! That’s rly hard! But I’ll have to go with sweet!

Outdoors or Indoors?

Indoors. (Basically on the couch with a blanket, a book, and my Jane Austen mug full of hot chocolate. 😁 [I’m sorry, all you outdoorsy people . . . XD])


This post we had some of our participants play a game of Trivia, hosted by everyone’s favorite bloggers (Kinz and Llis). 😉 Everyone got on Hangouts at the same time, then Kinzie gave them the questions that I had picked out earlier. Whoever got the right answer first got a point! We have included all the questions, answers, and point earners.

Hg is the chemical symbol of which element? Answer: Mercury.

Correctly answered by Andrew.

Which country produces the most coffee in the world? Answer: Brazil.

Correctly answered by Andrew.

What was the first state? Answer: Delaware.

Correctly answered by Andrew.

About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have? Answer: 10,000.

Correctly answered by Mia.

How many bones do sharks have in their bodies? Answer: None!

Both Grayscale and Andrew submitted the correct answer at the exact same time, so they both get a point for this one.

What was the first soft drink in space? Answer: Coca Cola

Correctly answered by Andrew.

Which country invented ice cream? Answer: China

Correctly answered by Rolando.

Unicorn is the national animal of which country? Answer: Scotland.

Correctly answered by Mia.

In Georgia, it’s illegal to eat what with a fork? Answer: Fried chicken

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

Name the biggest island in the world. Answer: Greenland

Correctly answered by Mia.

What color are giraffes’ tongues? Answer: Blue-black.

Correctly answered by Andrew.

Which country owns every panda in the world? Answer: China.

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

What’s the total number of dots on a pair of dice? Answer: 42.

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

The hard material of elephant tusks is called what? Answer: Ivory.

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

The hardest natural substance known is what? Answer: Diamond.

Correctly answered by Andrew.

Which chess piece can only move diagonally? Answer: Bishop.

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

Which side of Berlin was enclosed by the wall? Answer: The West.

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

What two letters are both symbolic for 1000? Answer: K and M. (K is in the metric system, M is in Roman numerals.)

Correctly answered by Grayscale.

Which finger is responsible for 50% of the strength in your hand? Answer: The pinky.

Correctly answered by Rolando.

Which state in 1907 was the last to declare Christmas a legal holiday? Answer: Oklahoma.

Correctly answered by Mia.

Congratulations to Grayscale for winning and to Andrew for coming in second! Courtesy of Isaac, we have a leaderboard for the Trivia game! 😃 Thank you, Isaac.

____ ╳ ____




│1st Grayscale (8) │

│ 2nd Andrew (7) │

│ 3rd Mia (4) │

│ 4th Rolando (2) │

│ 5th │

│ 6th │

│ 7th │


Thank you so much to all of our OAGGOR who helped create this post--we had a lot of fun and hope you did as well! Yes, we love you guys!!! 🤗🤗🤗 One last thing: Kinzie and I have created a poll for anyone to take. Here it is! Please have fun, but keep in mind that Kinzie and I put a lot of time and effort into this, so we would appreciate it if you didn’t submit ten thousand responses, goof off, be unkind, etc. Yes, please take the survey! See you all in our next absolutely splendiferous post!! 😉😂

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, Nat, Elly, Rolando, Mia, Marco, Grayscale, Andrew, and Bug (wow, that is so long 😂)


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Nov 17, 2021

This was so much fun!! Thanks for including us!

Llis C
Llis C
Nov 17, 2021
Replying to

Ofc!! <3


Nov 15, 2021



Nov 15, 2021

This was so fun! Thanks for letting me participate!! 💚

Llis C
Llis C
Nov 16, 2021
Replying to

Absolutely, Mia! We were thrilled to have you participate!! ❤️


Nov 15, 2021

….the leaderboard is kind of messed up… but oh well, it works….

Nov 17, 2021
Replying to

It’s all right, you can see what I meant, at least...

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