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Random Thoughts and Musings - 1/25/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

We normally try to be fairly positive, but today we decided to have a post about. . . (drumroll, please!) our most poignant dislike - school! If you are one of the weird ones who actually LIKE school, just read the verse and commentary; skip the rest. XD Or if you happen to be a BJU staff member who reads our amazing blog. Just...ignore us. We’re used to it. Usually, we would just vent to each other, but today, our longsuffering readers get that privilege!!!! 😉 You guys are so lucky!! XD Enjoy our rant!!


2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

While we may joke about how horrible school is, we really do understand the benefits of learning. School helps us learn how to study, a skill we can use when reading our Bibles. School also cultivates a solid work ethic, which will benefit us later on in life. Really, the most important reason is that God commands us to learn, and school ultimately helps us to serve Him better.


Ok, so, you’re all in for a treat today. YES!!!!! All you school haters are going to LOVE this rant. You know, this might even count as being therapeutic. That’s a great point! Well, we decided we needed some serious venting time. I feel like we ALWAYS need some serious venting time, especially when it involves school. So true. You know, we’re teenage girls (I HOPE you’ve realized that by now at least… If not, you have some serious problems, my friend), and that is an important part of being a teenage girl. YES! We have to vent. It’s good for our emotional health. Most of you girls out there understand this. Except you weird ones that aren’t emotional. Jk, jk. We love each and every one of you! Yes! You guys are awesome! And you guys out there, well, just push through, ok? I don’t know. I’ve met some guys who can go on some pretty great rants. *thinking of my brother* XDXDXD Lol, let’s get back on track. SCHOOL!!!!! WE ALL HATE IT!!!!!! IT’S HORRENDOUS!!!!!! THE WORST!!!!!!!!! I HATE SCHOOL SO MUCH!!!!! IT’S AWFUL!!!!! ESPECIALLY MATH!!!!!!!! MATH IS HORRIBLE!!!!! OH, MAN, DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT TORTURE. IT’S EVIL!!! Actually, I think you all need to read my thoughts. Yes, we do lol. Fresh from the brain! Math. Let’s describe it. Hmmm. Horrid. Despicable. Horrendous (one of my favorite words lol). Absolutely awful. Atrocious. Egregious. Ok, I realize at this point you all probably think one of two things about me. 1. WHAT IS THIS LUNATIC DOING???? I BET SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN!!! She actually does. Allison knows these things. She’s a reader, remember? If you belong in that category, well, YES, I AM A LUNATIC, BUT I ALSO KNOW WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN!! LOOK THEM UP YOURSELF IF YOU WANT!!!! Haha, I was so right on that one lol. YOU SHOULD APPRECIATE MY HARD WORK OF CONTAINING MY WEIRDNESS AND STOP JUDGING!!!!!!!! WE DO!!!!! THEY DO!!!!! WHATEVER!!!!!!! XDXDXD 2. WOW, THEY ARE SO RIGHT!!!! SCHOOL IS HORRID!! I hope every one of our readers falls in that category. 😂 Though they might not use the word “horrid” to describe school lol. Ok, I think that’s enough, and you get the picture. I HATE MATH!!! PERIOD!! EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! If not...well, you’re a hopeless cause, my friend. Yes. If you haven’t gotten it by now, you have a SERIOUS problem. Yes, well, I think we should relieve our poor readers if we want them to keep reading RTAM. That is true. You guys can only stand so much of this craziness before your brains explode. 🤯 That or they won’t be able to accomplish any more school for the rest of their lives. SO WE’RE SAVING IT FOR NEXT TIME!!!!!! YOU’RE WELCOME!!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! We’re sorry, facilitators! Are we really though? XD Lol, well, it couldn’t be helped. Ok, I think that’s enough lol. Bye, guys!!!!!! ♥ See you later!! 💖💖💖 May your school day be slightly less horrendous now that you have read our awesome venting.

Until next time!

Kinz and Llis

5 Yorum

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
02 Şub 2021

Too True Too True


Llis C
Llis C
01 Şub 2021

Thank you! Yes. So very true.


01 Şub 2021

This was hilarious!


Mental Abuse To Humans


Llis C
Llis C
01 Şub 2021

Amen. And now that I have a math test today, I feel like we should spend the entire next post on that. XD Don't worry, I'm kidding. That would get a little old.


01 Şub 2021



Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge

Post: Blog2_Post
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