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Random Thoughts and Musings - 1/7/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis Featuring Rome

Hellooooo, everyone!!!! We are back!!! With a victim! Hi I am Roman! The guest. Rome is going to be our guest star for this post. We compiled a list of 20 questions to ask each other. You will learn a lot of random facts about us that you had no desire to know, but hey! You’re the one who wanted to read RTAM anyway!!! 😉 Good point, Allison. 😂 Have fun reading our Random Thoughts and Musings!


John 1:1, Psalms 119:105 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

The Bible is an amazing tool. Use it, learn from it, and love it!!!!



1. How old are you?

15 years 15 15

2. Favorite food?

SUSHI!!!!!! Chicken Parmesan and ice cream (duh) Almost anything Italian/my mom’s cheeseball (it’s THE BEST)/mashed potatoes/ICE CREAM!!!!!!! (Very smart. Very smart indeed.)

3. DC or Marvel?

Marvel Marvel Marvel for sure

4. Dream car?

63 Camaro ss I honestly don’t even care. I don’t have one. I’m not really into cars lol.

5. Favorite color?

Orange Blue Pink

6. Favorite Christian song?

Supernatural by DC Talk God of Wonders by the Hamilton Family Hmmm. Tough question. I would probably go with “Born Again” by Austin French.

7. Dream job?

Batman Actress Full-time musician

8. Favorite person other than God?

Steve Rogers Kinzie Allison

9. Best sibling fails?

When he asked the cat for a hug and said he was King’s buddy. James and I were little, and we were on a jumping pillow that was too hot for our poor toes. Our mom made us go back, and we got blisters. It was a sad day. When my brother asked if HARRY Styles is a boy or a girl. 🤦‍♀️🤣

10. Best personal fails?

Prom questions with Kinz The history quiz from yesterday. The time I attempted to do a video call with Allison on a computer that has neither a microphone nor a camera. No, I did not know that at the time; I discovered that important detail later. We tried for such a long time too. . . 😂 Let me just say that my phone DID have audio and video, so it was all Kinzie’s fault. *sigh* Yes, it was my fault. I never claimed to be good with technology lol. One day. One day we will both be good at it. MAYBE IN 2021!!!!!!! XDXDXD

11. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

Oklahoma. I just want to say, Oklahoma is AMAZING. 😂 true that! I like where I live. Except for the liberals, it’s pretty great! Ireland for sure. My grandparents went one time, and my grandma tells me it’s beautiful.

12. Who’s your favorite Bible character?

Jesus Job David

13. What are your hobbies?

Guitar and flying a plane Reading MUSIC!!! 🎶

14. Least favorite food?

Sour Cream A three-way tie between avocados, bananas, and any/all seafood. Bacon. Well, pork in general, but yeah.

15. Can you drive (permit/license)?

No Comment! YES!!! I have my permit, which I got the exact day I was old enough. Haha, no. My mom is making me wait until I’m 16 before I start driving. But that’s okay because I don’t even really want to drive. Yeah, I’m weird. It’s just another one of my amazing quirks!! 😂

16. Are you an organized person?

NO Hmmmmmm, NO!!!! Not really. I’d love to be, and I occasionally try, but it just doesn’t really happen . . . In fact, my school books are currently in a haphazard pile on the floor next to me. Yeah. It’s bad. XD HA! I love this question. I am not organized by any stretch of the imagination. At all. Ever. You should see my piano. Music EVERYWHERE. It’s great. XD

17. Left- or right-handed?

Right Right. Neither! Or would that be both? Hmmm. I don’t know; you decide! I’m ambidextrous.

18. What’s your favorite season?

Um Summer Summer. No school makes that an easy choice. Winter. It’s so pretty! If only Oklahoma got snow more often . . .

19. Would you rather listen to music or read a book?

Music Yay!! Music is wayyyyyyy better than reading. 😉😂 Not true, but whatever. I’m outnumbered lol. The majority wins!! 😂 And I'm still right. lol Read a book! Listen to music, of course! XD

20. What is your New Year’s resolution?

Make 2020 Look bad. ( oh wait already done!!) Read the Bible through in a year. Well, actually the plan I picked out is for 52 weeks, but it’s close enough lol. Remember when I said I wasn’t organized? I am not organized enough to have New Year’s resolutions. 😂

Favorite team:

Rome - Oklahoma State University. GO POKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Llis - USF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kinz - OSU!!!! GO POKES

Well, there you have it! You now know more about us. I know you were dying to. 😉 We had so much fun writing this post! Thank you, Rome, for being our guest star! You are very welcome. If any of our readers would like to guest star in our posts, just let us know! Yeah, we’re always looking for new victims! XDXDXD

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, and Roman W. Anthony


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