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Random Thoughts and Musings - 12/15/20

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

~ From the Keyboards of Kinz & Llis ~

Blog #1

HELLO, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Kinz and Llis! We started “Random Thoughts and Musings” because, well, it seemed like fun! Just for reference, I’m Llis. When I’m talking, this is the color I use. I’m Kinzie! When I talk, I’ll use this color. When it’s both of us, we’ll just use black. So, back to why we started this blog. We are best friends, and we do literally EVERYTHING together (well, as much as we can, considering we’re in different states . . .). So, we’ll try to post semi-often. ENJOY, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

This is my favorite verse because I find it so comforting. Even when the world around us is crashing down, we do not have to be afraid because God is with us.

Phillipians 2: 10-11 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

I love this verse! It is so awesome to be able to know that no matter what happens, no matter how people react to God now, He WILL triumph ultimately in the end.



  • We both love music!!

  • We both have a serious issue - we can’t help but abbreviate EVERYTHING THAT WE POSSIBLY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Our brains work THE EXACT SAME WAY. We say the same things at the exact same time. It’s AWESOME!!!!!

  • We both go to an independent Baptist church (but not the same one).


  • My favorite subject USED to be science, and then I took Biology… and now I don’t like any of the subjects!! 😂 Allison’s favorite is history. BORING!!!!!!! XD (*cough* This is why it was my idea to have a blog, not Kinzie’s. She obviously needs help.)

  • I read more than Kinzie does. In fact, I’ve read my favorite book five times. AND IT IS NOT A SHORT BOOK!!!!!! (Maybe you’ll find out what it is later. Or maybe not.😉)

  • Allison lives in Virginia, while I live in the Promised Land (aka Oklahoma 😉).

  • Kinzie is more musical.

  • I may be SLIGHTLY more perfectionistic in nature than Allison. Maybe. Just a little. 😂(SHE’S LYING!!!!!! SHE’S THE MOST PERFECTIONISTY PERFECTIONIST I’VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!)

  • Kinzie, somehow, can stand to eat spicy things. I don’t get it! I just don’t. When I try to eat something spicy, my eyes water, my nose runs, and I just about die. It’s rough. (Spicy food is so good!!! Allison is missing out.



When we were thinking of ideas to write about, we considered writing about our cooking fails, and this is the one we settled on: The tale of CNM, starring Kinzie. We are going to TRY to tell this together. 😂 The last time we tried this, I had to go eat dinner, so we didn’t get to finish arguing about every tiny detail - WE WILL DO IT THIS TIME! DON’T YOU WORRY!!! It was a dark and stormy night . . . I was craving mac and cheese. Now, Kinzie has a bad habit while she’s cooking. It’s not a “bad” habit. It’s just kind of a thing. I HATE MEASURING!! So, friends, as you can WELL IMAGINE, she eyeballs EVERYTHING!!!!! I’ve scolded her so many times too . . . BUT I’M SO GOOD AT IT!!!!!! 🤣YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT, MY DEAR!!!!! LET’S PROCEED WITH THE STORY, SHALL WE? Yes, we shall. So, like I said, I wanted mac and cheese. The only recipe I could find was for four servings. I can’t eat that much! Kinzie made a terrible mistake, folks. She *collective gasp of horror from audience* DIDN’T USE A MEASURING CUP!!! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO??????!!!!!!!!! Do the math for one serving and then dirty up a bunch of measuring cups and spoons??!!! I DON’T THINK SO!!!! I will take my chances with winging it. Well, I wouldn’t have measured either. But I ALSO wouldn’t flood the sauce with . . . wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. WILL YOU TELL THE STORY ALREADY?!?!? Okay, okay. So, I cooked the pasta. It was perfect! I didn’t even burn myself when I was draining it. That, my friend, was a miracle in and of itself. Yes, it is, but after this is where the problems started. This is where, in mac and cheese, you make the sauce. Kinzie (remember, she doesn’t measure?) eyeballed the milk. Which is a perfect plan in theory (IN THEORY!), but in practice? Hmmmm. You decide. Nope. Bad idea. So, anyway, Kinzie didn’t measure the milk. And the milk container HAPPENED to be brand-new. The plan was to add a splash of milk. Well, it worked! But it was a rather large tidal wave, tsunami-like splash. XD Unfortunately, she added too much milk (Have you gotten that point yet????). HER SAUCE WAS RUINED!!!! IT WAS FINE!!!!! I added so much cheese to that thing . . . And then I tried to cook it down. GUESS WHAT???? IT DIDN’T WORK!! HER SAUCE WAS STILL A HUGE, HEAPING PORTION!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I made the sauce for four servings, with only one serving of pasta. Later, when we were on our first call, I rather aptly termed this (what she had used to call “Macaroni Soup”) CHEESE AND MAC!!!! (Get it? Since usually there’s more macaroni than sauce? XD) Yeah, the really sad thing is that this happened several times. Many, many times. So many times, in fact, that we had to abrv. it to C&M. I (being the smart one that I am) realized that the “&” key is really annoying to have to type - especially for the amount of times that I would need to rub this experience in to my poor friend. SO, it is NOW just CNM. Very simple, but with worlds of meaning! But this is a success story! Thanks to Allison (I reminded Kinzie that she could add more milk later), I was finally able to make it successfully!!! It was pretty good when I finally got it right! Yes, she finally figured it out, thanks to me. *sigh* I love helping people accomplish their dreams! Aren’t we funny, my dear? 😂 Yes, and I did it all without having to measure A SINGLE THING!!!!!!!! YEAH! XD First, I AM funny, thank you very much. Second, YOU’RE WELCOME!!! Well, anyway, there it is! The tale of CNM, told by Kinz and Llis. Wasn’t it entertaining? And the answer is “yes”, in case you were wondering. 😉😂

Until next time!

~ Kinz and Llis


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 02, 2021

Thank you!


Llis C
Llis C
Feb 01, 2021

Thank you, you too! ^_^


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 01, 2021

Lol Nice blog!


Llis C
Llis C
Jan 30, 2021

*deletes comment* Ah, yes, I believe I remember that one.


Jan 30, 2021

NEVERMIND! DON'T ASK HER! Actually, she did poison me once when she made dinner... (I wrote about it SOMEWHERES in the Blog Archive...)

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