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Random Thoughts and Musings - 2/22/21

Updated: Feb 25, 2021

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Roman, Mer, and Bren

We have more special guests today! Rome is back for an encore performance!! *audience goes berserk with excitement because we all love Roman Anthony* Ok, ok no need to flatter me. But keep doing it. XD Now, prepare to be introduced to someone you will NEVER (no, never) forget!!!! Let’s hear it for one of our very bestest friends, Meredith!!!!! *audience bursts into cheers and whistles* Thank you, thank you very much!!! XD And last but certainly not least. . . You guys remember Bren, right? I sure hope so, because if you can’t remember from two weeks ago, you have a few problems, my friend. XD Well, he’s back! Heylo, friends! Thanks for letting me come back! Have fun, faithful RTAM readers!


Ecc 4:9-10 “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.”

God has blessed us with so many new friends this year. You guys have been such an answer to prayer! ♥ Yes! Truly, every time I feel sad, you guys are there to lift me up. I am so blessed to have my BJU friends. You guys are awesome!! I can do without them. Lol not really. They are my best friends. Aww! 😃


7 Random Facts About Myself

  • I love the color pink.

  • I play the piano.

  • I teach piano.

  • I can’t stand my room to be messy, but at the same time, I despise cleaning it.

  • I am very germ-conscious.

  • I am ambidextrous.

  • I have never been to the beach.

  • Reader

  • Pianist

  • I am a "very nerdy, very insane chick who writes love poetry and reads Jane Austen".

  • I love Jane Austen.

  • Chocoholic here.

  • I have this weird thing when I’m driving. I absolutely refuse to wear a coat. Never have, never will.

  • Math-HATER

  • Pilot

  • ----

  • Adrenaline junkie

  • Biker

  • Car fanatic

  • Country boy

  • Meme fanatic

  • I love to read!

  • I play volleyball

  • I love to sing!

  • I LOVE to workout!

  • I LOVE to organize, clean, pick up!! ( weird ik ) loll

  • I am a twin!

  • I also HATE math!!!! WITH A PASSION!!!

  • I’m a music fanatic

  • I write my own songs/stories

  • I’m a huge Conservative

  • I am a coder/computer programmer

  • I am a HAM Radio user (meaning I can talk to other people all over the world!)

  • I’m the oldest of four

  • I have lived in/moved to 7 states in the past 15 years

6 Things I Do Every Day

  • Fix my hair.

  • Make my bed.

  • Feed my cat.

  • Eat.

  • Read my Bible.

  • Pray.

  • Read my Bible

  • Pray

  • Talk to my online friends

  • Eat

  • Read

  • Sleep

  • School

  • Hangouts

  • Eat

  • Drink

  • Listen to music

  • Shower

  • Workout

  • Talk to amazing people online

  • Read my Bible

  • Sing

  • Listen to music

  • Eat/drink

  • Play my instruments

  • Chat with friends (Hangouts, CC, etc.)

  • Play with my pets (dogs, cats, bearded dragon)

  • Make puns

  • Drive my racing RC

  • Bug my parents

5 Songs I’m Addicted To

  • “Born Again” - Austin French

  • “Freedom Hymn” - Austin French

  • “Something Different” - Sidewalk Prophets

  • “One and Only You” - Steven Curtis Chapman

  • Anything Brendan sings. He’s AMAZING.

  • “Time to Say Goodbye” - Sarah Brightman

  • “Flower Duet” - Léo Delibes

  • “God of Wonders” - Hamilton Family

  • “Holy Spirit, Light Divine” - Hamilton Family

  • “Rejoice in the Lord - Hamilton Family

  • “Ain’t Killed Me Yet” - Eric Church

  • “Forever and Ever, Amen” - Randy Travis

  • “Ain’t Goin Down ‘Til the Sun Comes Up” - Garth Brooks

  • “The Dance” - Garth Brooks

  • “Drunken Lullabies” - Floggin’ Molly

  • “Scars”- I am They

  • “Rest on Us”- Upper Room

  • “Promises”- Maverick City Worship

  • “Peace be Still”- Hope Darst

  • “There Was Jesus”-Zach Williams

  • Any song that I write

  • “I Just Wanna Shine”-Fitz and The Tantrums

  • “Home-Phillip” Phillips

  • “Radioactive”-Imagine Dragons

  • “Monody”-TheFatRat

4 Things That Annoy Me

  • NUMERO UNO!!!!!!! The guy who walks through a door and does not leave it open for the lady who also happens to be walking through said door. I HAVE BEEN SMACKED IN THE FACE WITH A DOOR COUNTLESS TIMES BECAUSE I EXPECT THE GUY TO HAVE THE COMMON DECENCY OF HOLDING IT OPEN FOR ME!!!!!!!!

  • TO ADD TO MY FIRST COMPLAINT!!!!!!! Guys who refuse to act like gentlemen, but instead choose to conduct themselves like imbeciles. 🤦‍♀️


  • When people get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the service. I mean, really. YOU COULDN’T WAIT 20 MORE MINUTES??!! Or like, they get up during the invitation. THE SERVICE IS BASICALLY OVER!!!!! JUST WAIT!!!! IT’S NOT THAT HARD!!!

  • People who are always talking about how bad they are at everything (how ugly they are, how stupid, etc.). Thankfully, no one I’ve met from BJU is like that.

  • Guys who don’t button their suit coats. (It’s like they don’t get that they look a million times better with it buttoned.)

  • Getting nothing done by 11 a.m.

  • Having a song stuck in my head after listening to it three times.

  • Trying to figure out Allison’s and Kinzie’s abrvs!

  • When people don’t respond

  • When I --- with someone and they say it kinda worked.

  • When Allison gets on my case for not responding in 0.00000000000002 seconds

  • When people leave messes

  • When you hold the door open for someone and expect them to grab it for the next person, but instead they just walk right out and you are stuck there for FOREVER holding the door open!!!!! Not even lying, it happens ALL THE TIME!!!!

  • When I’m driving and crazy drivers drive on the tail of my car and go way too fast!!!!

  • When guys aren’t polite!!!!!!!!! I hate “yooooo” “sah” LIKE SAY IT IN A NICE WAY SON!!!! “Heyyy! How are you doing today?!” PLEASE!! On certain occasions girls like to hear guys be polite!! (Take the advice guys)!!!! Or just check out Guy Time!

  • My siblings when they are naggy . . .

  • Liberals

  • China (not sure if that would fit with the liberals . . . 🤔)

  • Trying to figure out Allison’s and Kinzie’s abrvs!

3 Fears/Phobias

  • Claustrophobia

  • Arachnophobia

  • Most weapons

  • Bugs and snakes

  • FOMO

  • Various social insecurities

  • Snakes

  • Heights (and I’m a pilot lol)

  • Talking to girls lol

  • Snakes (like venomous, deadly, etc!!!!)

  • Missing a flight!!!

  • SpIcY FoOd!! Lolll

  • God

  • China

  • Moving

2 Things I Wish I Could Do

  • Meet all my online friends in person

  • Never have to do school again.

  • Park a car properly

  • Play piano as well as my brother

  • Cook

  • Turn invisible

  • Meet my online friends!!!

  • Quit school and travel the world!

  • Stay in one place for longer than 4 years

  • End diseases

1 Recent Picture of Myself

See attachments [on bios].

Wow, guys, this was SO much fun to do together! Thank you so much for doing it with us! Btw, shoutout to Rome for the challenge idea. 😉 Yes! That was a brilliant idea. This post has been one of my favorites to write. (Me too!) Thanks, guys, for writing with us! ♥ Again, let's do another one! We should! This was fun! Thanks for inviting us! No problem! I’m glad we could do it. 😁

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, Rome, Mer, and Bren

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Feb 24, 2021

Your word count is 1223. Just leave out 2 emojis and you have a lucky post.

And yes, I accept your invitation for next time. ❛⏑❛


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 23, 2021

Seriously though great job everyone who worked on this blog!

Llis C
Llis C
Feb 23, 2021
Replying to

Aw, thank you!


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 23, 2021

Lol I think it must be! XD


Llis C
Llis C
Feb 22, 2021

Kinzie, is this a record for new longest post?! XD

Kinzie B
Kinzie B
Mar 05, 2021
Replying to

I think it might be. 😂

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