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Random Thoughts and Musings - 2/8/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Bren/Brendan/PRB

(and their friend, Joey the Awesome and Creepy aka JAC!) ◉‿◉

I hope you are all ready, because we have another guest!!!!!! The talented musical genius we all know and love, Brendan Rardon!! Thank you, thank you! Heylo, everyone! *applause* Just wait, guys. It’s going to be AWESOME! YES! We had so much fun writing this post. So, enjoy! 😉 Hey girls, did you hear about the kidnapping in DC? Hey, I live near DC! No. Oh, don’t worry, he woke up! 😁 XDXDXD Thank you lol. And you guys are in for a treat. You see, we’ve decided to bring back . . . Kinz-and-Llis-storytelling!! Enjoy! 😁


Deuteronomy 6:5 “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”

This is a powerful verse to me, because it is God’s command to obey and love Him. No matter which language or version it is in, the message is direct and clear.


I’m adding this on my own accord 😁:

“Friendships will sometimes be smooth sailing, and sometimes they will deal with the ups and downs produced by the waves of time. But you must always work together to keep it afloat.”

-Brendan Rardon


The Tale of PRB:

It was a dark and stormy night. . . XDXDXD YES!!!! CLASSIC BEGINNING!!! Brendan’s name was too long. Wayyyy too long. Do you know how long it takes to type “Brendan”?! It’s ridiculous!! So, we started calling him “Bren”. Yes, two letters makes a HUGE difference. XD Actually, according to my EXTREMELY SCIENTIFIC AND BRILLIANT took off 3 letters.* 😂😂😂 Okay, you can’t expect perfection when I am sleep deprived. IT JUST DOESN’T WORK!! (*Fun Fact: The 3 letters you took off, ‘-dan”, are also the first 3 letters in my middle name, ‘DANiel’! 😉 Just smth you probably never knew about me lol. Oh, cool! ) Yes, Kinzie, it’s three. Math. We all love it. Not. NO, WE DON’T!!! IT’S HORRENDOUS!!! DID NONE OF YOU READ OUR LAST POST??!!! Actually, Bren does. Yes, I do! That’s because he’s good at it. If I were good at math, I MIGHT like it. Maybe. BUT I’M NOT!! 🤣 He’s a strange little man. Yes I… har-har nice try, Allison! 😂 Anyway, Bren’s name was too long, but a certain friend of ours (We’ll call her Sassafras) didn’t approve of our nickname. SHE THOUGHT IT SOUNDED LIKE A CEREAL!!!!! WHAT??!!! I MEAN, WHO CONFUSES “BREN” AND “BRAN”??? I KNOW!!!!!!! SO CRAZY!!!!!!! *slowly raises my hand* especially when we’re COINCIDENTALLY eating Raisin Bran cereal, it just sounds PRETTY CLOSE! 😂 XDXDXD BESIDES YOU. YOU DON’T COUNT. Well, Sassafras gave us inspiration. Now, at the same time all this was going on, we were also teasing Bren for being very paranoid and reading our ENTIRE bios through for hidden messages. Hey, everyone's a LITTLE nosy every once in a while! Yes, he would see blank spaces, and highlight them for no other reason than to just be paranoid. So, we decided to tack that on to his NN. IT’S CALLED CURIOSITY! 😂 I thought that WAS his NN at that point. Well, whatever. We would put messages like “I have something to tell you on Hangouts.Eventually, we realized that he was reading them. So, we would put messages there specifically for him to find. It was so much fun!! XD Like “BRENDAN, YOU ARE SO PARANOID!!!!!!!!!” When he saw them, he would tell us, and be like “I CAN’T BELIEVE I FELL FOR THAT AGAIN!!!!” IT WAS SO GREAT!!! XD Btw, if you say “orange” really slowly, it sounds like “gullible”. 😉 Aren’t we FUNNY?! Yeah… but I’m PUNNY! 😃*eyeroll*I LOVE THAT!!! 🤣 Ok, fine, they were equally bad. Hey, I had to insert at least ONE PUN into this lol! True, true. So, as we said, Sassafras gave us inspiration. I was like “I’M TOTALLY CALLING HIM RAISIN BREN FROM NOW ON!!!! ESPECIALLY IF HE LIKES RAISIN BRAN!!!!!! ACTUALLY, I’M GOING TO EVEN IF HE DOESN’T!!!!!! XDXDXD” Coincidentally, I actually DO like Raisin Bran! LUCKY GUESS, KINZIE! 😂YES! I WAS RIGHT!!! XD We had so much fun with his nickname. 🤣 We did! And we haven’t even gotten to the best part! So, he was Paranoid Raisin Bren, aka PRB!(We love abrv. In case you haven’t noticed.) The next step was to start calling him that, and see how long it would take for him to notice/guess. Well, he noticed immediately. However, his lovely little sister (Little siblings are the BEST . . . Oh, you WOULDN’T BELIEVE! *smh*😆 I would add something right about here, but I happen to BE a younger sibling, so I find this all just a little bit offensive. 🤣🤣🤣) spilled orange juice on his laptop, so he wasn’t able to start the guessing process until the next day. In the meantime, we were DYING of suspense wondering WHERE IN THE WORLD HE WAS. Yeah, we refreshed his bio SO MANY TIMES!!!!! It was my unintentional way of stalling tbh haha! FINALLY, he came back. AND HE TOOK SO LONG TO GUESS!!!! HE TOOK, LIKE, A WEEK!!!!!! (Hey, it took me 4 months to find out what TNSSSMNNWCFP means! IT”S SAD!) But he got it! (after Isaac gave me a HUGE lead... *whistles*😅 ISAAC!! 🤣) Oh, true.😑 Well, there it is! The tale of PRB, told by Kinz, Llis and PRB HIMSELF!!!! Let’s give him a round of applause, folks. 👏👏👏 Thank you! 😁 Bye, guys! Thanks, PRB! We loved having you on RTAM!!! Yes! Thank you for doing this post with us. We had a blast! Maybe we can do this again soon. 😃 (It might even be sooner than everyone thinks . . . 😉) Yeah, I hope so too! Thanks girls!

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, and PRB

5 Kommentare

Mint (evelyn)
Mint (evelyn)
02. Juni 2021

That was pure chaos and simply entertaining

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09. Feb. 2021

The few, the proud

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09. Feb. 2021

If your paragraph population density is greater than 1 emoji per 40 words, your name might be Kins or Llis.

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Llis C
Llis C
09. Feb. 2021

Of course! We loved doing it with you!

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Unknown member
08. Feb. 2021

This was fun to make. Thanks again for featuring me! 😃

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