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Random Thoughts and Musings - 3/22/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Hey, everyone!!! Llis here! So, unfortunately, Kinzie was unable to be with us for the majority of this post, which means that I have to write it all by myself. *sniff, sniff* I know you’re all IMMENSELY disappointed, but it couldn’t be helped, and she’ll be back next post! Thankfully, we had some extra ranting from a while ago that we just didn’t have room to post, BUT we will use it today!!!! We’re sorry we didn’t finish right away, but we figured our poor readers’ brains needed a rest. XDXDXD We TOTALLY didn’t get distracted and forget about it... Well, the point is, you guys can read it now!!!!! Enjoy!!


ALSO, today we have a very special announcement!!!! In between this post and last post, Kinzie had her sixteenth birthday!!!!! LET’S ALL SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHALL WE???????? Ok, I already spammed her, so I’ll let you guys sing to her yourselves. And while you’re singing, don’t forget “Sixteen Going on Seventeen”. *stern glare* Ok, ok, I’ll get on with the rest of the post. 😉


Psalm 16:8 “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

God always rewards those who put Him first. Sometimes it will be hard, but God is always there for you. He’ll help you overcome your trials with His strength and grace, no matter what the circumstances.


So, last time we did this, we discussed math. *shudder* Well, this time, we’ve moved on to a different least favorite subject... Biology!!!!!!!!! Now, we TRY to be positive on the Discussion, but let’s just be real here for a second. BIOLOGY IS EVERYONE’S WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!! THE DISSECTIONS, THE LABS, ALL THE SUPER HARD QUESTIONS THAT I DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER TO!!!!!!!! IT IS SO DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!! Biology is my worst subject by the way. I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!!!! Ahem. SHE IS 100% RIGHT!!!!!!! I TOTALLY AM!!!!!!!!! We’re sorry, Mrs. Ericson. And Miss Lacy. And the BJU staff. We love you guys. We really do! We just don’t love Biology. AT ALL!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!! NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!!!!! Except we don’t BELIEVE in millions of years, remember? We are CREATIONISTS, Kinzie. I wasn’t talking about the PAST, Allison. This is the future!! How do YOU know if the earth won’t be around for another couple millions of years? XD I find that hard to believe, but BACK to the topic at hand. We’re supposed to still be bashing Biology. Yes, good point. ANYWAY, I personally LOVED Physical Science. I hated it. I actually prefer Biology. So amazing. Absolutely fantastic. Science officially became my favorite subject last year. And this year, Biology has COMPLETELY ruined me on science. FOREVER!!! IT WILL NEVER BE THE SHINING SUBJECT IT ONCE WAS!!!!!! Ok, I don’t think my earlier statement was actually accurate. I only THOUGHT I liked Biology. In the beginning of the year. You know, when you think you like all your subjects because you’ve already forgotten how hard they get?! That never happens to me lol. I WAS SO WRONG ABOUT YOU, BIO!!!!!! SO WRONG!!! YES, YOU WERE!!!!!! I, on the other hand, do not get fooled with beginning-of-the-year freshness. (Hey, at least I’m optimistic!!!) I HATED IT FROM THE VERY FIRST LESSON, PEOPLE!!!!!! Which also means that I have been suffering longer than Allison has. XD That’s true. I actually told Kinzie I LIKED it in the beginning. *shivers* My dad said I should be a doctor. HA! No. AND, IN ADDITION TO THE LABS, DISSECTIONS, AND HARD QUESTIONS, WE ALSO HAVE TESTS. WHY?????? I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!! THEY!!!!! ARE!!! SO!!!!!! HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, THEY ARE!!!!! And you know what is the worst part for me? What? The fact that I spend a forever amount of time studying for and taking the stupid test, and then WHAT DO THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY TO DO??!!! BE CONFUSING???? Yes, but that’s not what I’m getting at. THEY GIVE US HOMEWORK ON TOP OF THAT!!!!!! Like I want to read 20 pages after taking a test. OH, YEAH, THAT. *glares* I mean, really, people. I think I especially hate Bio when I get to the essays. Now, my mom is nice, and she lets me do all the essays to get extra points (as long as it doesn’t put me over a perfect score). So, how does this go, you ask? Well, it’s simple.

*sees that essay #1 is hard and skips it*

*sees that essay #2 is also vague and complicated*

*sees that essay #3 is the most confusing of all and gives up completely*

*does all three because I need the extra points*

So, yeah, it’s a rough life. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got, guys. It’s hard to do any extra ranting without someone egging you on. XD I hope you guys enjoyed our ranting, and next post will be another interesting look into our crazy brains!!! Love you all!!!! 💖

Until next time!

Kinz and Llis (but mostly Llis XD)


Mar 25, 2021



Llis C
Llis C
Mar 24, 2021

My goodness, guys, the graphics . . .


Mar 23, 2021

Biology was what, 3 years ago for me?

And I got a horrible grade on my Frog Lab because I got so frustrated with the frog and trying to trace all the nerves and blood vessels and peel back the skin just so perfectly that I cut off the legs. And the arms.

But at least I had a high enough grade so that bombing a high-point assignment didn't hurt. Too much.

I had a great teacher, I really did. I took it in a classroom from someone who had been teaching it 50 years, and he was absolutely wonderful. I could have taken from Mrs. Ericson but she didn't teach Honors Bio and based off of good advice I…

Kinzie B
Kinzie B
Mar 25, 2021
Replying to



Mar 23, 2021

All you have to do is chop open a fish and look at its organs!

Be grateful the specimens aren't alive...

Mar 23, 2021
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Yeah, I don't really mind dissecting things, the stuff that gets me is when they show the videos of the arachnids moving with all the little eggs on their backs and a trillion legs moving in unison.. *shudders*


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Mar 23, 2021

Wow.😮 Thank you for preparing me for the horrors of what is to come next year. Oh yes the dissections... I know it's coming but: I REFUSE!!!!!! I REFUSE TO GO ANYWHERE NEAR A DISSECTION!!!!! AND I WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE DOING ONE!!! NOT IN A THOUSAND YEARS!!!🤢🤢

Llis C
Llis C
Mar 23, 2021
Replying to

That's what we're here for! To warn the general public of upcoming torments. Good luck, my friend.

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