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Random Thoughts and Musings - 4/5/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Lil, Fel, and Savvy

Hello, faithful RTAM readers!!! This post, we have a very special treat! Some of my closest friends are here to star on our post!!! I am very excited to present Lillian, Savannah, and Felicity! *uproarious applause* Welcome, crazy friends of mine!!!! XD Hiii! Hellooo! Hey there, folks! Today we decided to have a debate. You guys are totally in for a treat. 😉 HOMESCHOOL VS. CHRISTIAN/PRIVATE SCHOOL!!!! Allison and I will be taking the homeschool side, and Lillian and Savannah will be taking the Christian/private side. AND Felicity is both, because . . . why not?? XD Felicity has always been the odd one out lol. Haha yeah! Have fun!!! And stayed tuned to the end because we have a VERY special and exciting announcement to make!!! Yeah!! So read the whole thing!!! 😉


Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

I love the promise of this verse! God never changes; we can depend on Him! Yes, it is such an amazing verse. Even in the trials and changes of life, we always have a firm Anchor. He is our one friend that will ALWAYS stay the same, so we can always count on him to comfort us when we need it most. Even when He tests us, He is still the same God. Those around might change and leave, but God will always be the same. Isn’t that such a comforting thought? Yes!


We’ll list the pros and cons for you guys. :)


  • Pros

    • One pro of homeschool is sleeping in and doing school in bed in your pj’s.

    • I also like the freedom with your scheduling. It makes it so much easier to plan for vacations and things like that. Plus, if you’re having a busy day, you can just take off.

    • I really love that you can go at your own pace. Like, you don’t have to sit in a classroom waiting for those in the class who struggle to pick up a concept. You can be on to your next subject.

    • More from the parents’ perspective, but you can control the curriculum and what your kids are being taught. This is the main reason why I’m homeschooled.

    • Also if you are a fast worker you can finish your school quicker than in a real school.

    • You can take breaks if needed during the day, which really helps.

  • Cons

    • It’s much too easy to get behind lol.

    • You don't get snow days!

    • It can be harder to get help when you’re struggling.

    • You don’t get to see friends. Like, at a school you can see friends at lunch and other things.

Christian/Private School

  • Pros

    • Seeing friends. Duh.

    • I think that having other people in your class can help you in school, because they can be encouraging and help you study and get better grades(if you have a good class like me, that is. 😂)(Not everyone is so lucky. 😭)

    • I like that we have a precise schedule every day, so we know when we're going to finish the school year(and a lot of the time, we finish the school year before the homeschool kids. 😉)

    • It's awesome for the extroverts(like me 😁), because you get to be with people all day!

    • I feel it is easier to focus because, knowing me, if I were home all day to do school, I would NOT be able to accomplish anything. My attention span is already very low. 😂

  • Cons

    • If you are an introvert, or don't like seeing people every day, a private school is probably not the best thing for you lol.

    • It can take a lot longer to get work done for one day. Oh, yes, definitely! But that's really just for me, cuz I take a LONG time doing math. 😂 XD

    • If you have annoying classmates it doesn’t make the day that much fun. (AMEN)

    • Fel took my con lol. The class you have can reallllllyyy affect the kind of day you have, depending on the way they act.

So, there you have it! The OFFICIAL evaluation of private/Christian school vs. homeschool! Let’s give our participants a big round of applause! *audience claps enthusiastically* 😂 Thank you, girls, for doing this post with us! It’s been so much fun! (Yessss! I definitely enjoyed this. 🙃) XD Well, thanks girls, and see you next time, everyone!!!!

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, Lil, Fel, and Savvy

YOU GUYS DIDN’T SERIOUSLY THINK WE’D FORGET ABOUT OUR ANNOUNCEMENT, DID YOU??????????????????????????????????? WHAT KIND OF BLOGGERS DID YOU THINK WE ARE, ANYWAY??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WE NEVER FORGET ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!! Nothing!!!!!!!! Well, except random facts, but yeah. So, ANYWAY, Kinzie, would you like to share our super-exciting news?! Most certainly! So, Allison and I have been planning and scheming for MONTHS about getting together in-person. We thought that going to church camp in the summer would be PERFECT! Sadly, when I asked my dad about going to Kinzie’s, he was like “No.” You all know how dads say things when there’s no hope. I can’t really type it haha. KINZIE’S parents, on the other hand, were a lot more willing to consider it. Yes, my parents are CLEARLY far better than Allison’s. HEY, WAIT JUST A SECOND. WHAT ABOUT MY PARENTS LETTING ME START THE BLOG WITH YOU?????? AND GET HANGOUTS?????? AND TALK TO ALLLLLLLLLL YOUR FRIENDS??????????? I DIDN’T TALK TO ANYONE UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG!!!!!!!! YEAH, WELL MY PARENTS LET ME DO ALL THAT TOO!!!!!!! XDXDXD *rolls eyes* Whatever. Let’s move on. XD So anyway, last Sunday, my mom FINALLY gave official permission for me to go to camp with Allison!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! ISN’T THAT SO EXCITING????????????????????? YES, IT IS!!!!!!! OK, I KNOW YOU’RE NOT ALL AS EXCITED AS WE ARE, BUT STILL!!!!!!! YOU CAN BE EXCITED FOR US!!!!!!!! Exactly! Don’t worry, we’ll write a WHOLE post on our experiences when we get back. 😉 Yes, we’ll give you guys the ULTIMATE blow-by-blow report. XD And we won’t even worry about word count. XD (We normally try to limit ourselves to 1000, for those who are wondering lol.) So yes, that’s our big, enormous, gargantuan, fantastic, phenomenal, *insert other words I can’t think of* news!! Aren’t you glad you read down this far? 😂 XDXDXD Ok, bye for real!!!!!!!!! ♥


Kinz and Llis

댓글 68개

Llis C
Llis C
2021년 4월 08일

I just realized I never said WHAT my camp was lol. We're going to *drumroll, please* the Bill Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, TN!!!!!


익명 회원
2021년 4월 07일

there should be like a BJU camp in the summer or something

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
2021년 4월 10일
답글 상대:

I went to a week long overnight church summer camp for 2 years and a weekend overnight church winter retreat for 3 years. (Covid canceled the 2020 summer and 2021 winter camp.) I'm hoping to be able to go to the summer camp this year.

Definitely some of my best memories EVER.


2021년 4월 06일

I'm loving this blog, lol. Noice job y'all!



Kinzie B
Kinzie B
2021년 4월 10일
답글 상대:

That would be awesome! 😃


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
2021년 4월 06일

I do want to add, though. That i have snow days most of the time and I see my friends almost everywhere I go (I see church friends 3-4 times a week, neighborhood friends after school, friends from my AHG trip biweekly, friends from my Bible study weekly, etc.). ALSO I’M SO EXCITED FOR Y’ALLLLLLLL!!!!! THAT’S SO COOL!!!!

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
2021년 4월 10일
답글 상대:

That’s true!!


2021년 4월 06일

Also it's easier to talk to a teacher in a private school.

2021년 4월 07일
답글 상대:

Same :)

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