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Random Thoughts and Musings - 5/17/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring PRB/Bren/BAT/Nadnerb and JAC ◉‿◉


Hello, friends!! Welcome back to RTAM!!! We have a special treat for you guys!! *drumroll* Brendan is back for another RTAM post!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Heylo, everyone! *celebrates* AND his BFF (Best Face Friend) . . . JAC!!!!!!!!! *rolls eyes*Bren needs a better BFF. XD Yes, I seriously do . . . 🤣 I LOVE THAT!!!! Now, last post, we had some questions/confusion as to who this MYSTERIOUS JAC is. Brendan, please tell us about your bff. XD Yes, ofc! JAC is just my boredom buddy. I created him when I was bored. Don't ask me why! 😂 I think he helps express our feelings. Like, after a math test. Yk, when you’re trying to smile and you just CAN’T. XDXDXD “What grade did you get on that test you took today, Kinzie?” “◉‿◉” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 YES, EXACTLY!!!!!!! XDXDXDXDXD Well, we’re getting very distracted, so we’ll let you guys go ahead and read the Q&A with PRB/Bren/BAT (Brendan the Amazing Typist [a sarcastic NN because he struggles XD])/Nadnerb!!!! XD Well, technically, we ALL struggle with typing. AMEN!!!! XDXDXD True, true lol. And if there is someone out there reading this who happens to be an amazing typer, PLEASE SHOW US YOUR WAYS! YES, WE NEED YOU!!!! XD And speaking of typos, we need you guys for one more thing! [Many more 'one more thing's to come] Help us celebrate National Typo Week (last week of April. Mark your calendars! 😂)!!! (Yes, we made it up. Get over it. Yes, it’s next year. Get over that too. XD) We’ll try to remember to remind you guys to not correct A SINGLE TYPO ALL WEEK!!! NOBODY WILL KNOW WHAT WE’RE SAYING, BUT THAT’S OKAY!!!!!!!! 🤣 And for anyone who participates, you will be friends with JAC! 😂 I LOVE IT!!!!!!! XD Oh yeah, because THAT’S everybody’s dream. XD Ok, how about you will ALL be featured in one mega, huge, GIGANORMOUS (I invented a new word! 😉) POTW!!! 🥳 Yayyyy!!!! XD Ok, now we’re REALLY going to let you guys read. 🤣 Yeah, because we may or may not have gotten COMPLETELY distracted. Again. 😂 Y'all should be used to this by now! Words of wisdom haha. We do kind of do this in EVERY. SINGLE. POST. ANYWAY, here we go! Enjoy, faithful RTAM readers!! ♥ ◉‿◉ Y'all had better enjoy it! *Spoopity chuckle* Or else . . . JAC KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE, SO BEWARE!!!!!!! XD We don't want to make JAC look THAT creepy. Except that he IS . . . Yes, very much so. ALL RIGHT, NO MORE DISTRACTIONS!!!! MOVING ON!!!! XD OKAY!!!!! *wills self to stop talking* XD


Matt. 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

This verse makes me think about people's struggles with their wants VS needs. We need to pick our priorities.

(See also Mark 8:36.)


What's your favorite place that you've visited?

My favorite place would probably be Colorado. We went to camp there one year at Silver State Baptist Youth Camp (in the Denver area). IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Granted, I couldn’t enjoy it too much because I was sick THE WHOLE WEEK because of the altitude, but it was still fun! 😂

Probably Florida. I LOVE the beach, and the best (I know, no one’s going to believe me) is when it’s really cloudy and the waves are HUGE. Like, you get knocked over by the ones really close to the shore. We usually go in the fall, so it’s EVEN BETTER!!! Oh, and pretty soon it’ll probably be camp with Kinzie (in Tennessee)!!! Yeah!!!! 😃

My favorite place that I’ve visited must be a tie between Post Falls, ID, and Gatlinburg, TN. I had to go to Gatlinburg to evacuate from Hurricane Florence, so the atmosphere was already pretty dreary to me. But when we got there and I realized we were staying in a DELUXE RESORT, my attitude changed quickly 🤣. We did all the famous attractions there, except for the sky bridge, because my sister was afraid of heights . . . (I’m still holding that over here head to this day. 😂😂) Post Falls is pretty cool bc of all the snow-capped mountains and the massive waterfall that the town got its name from. Also, more than half of my family on my dad’s side lives there, so . . . 🤣

What was your least favorite part of 2020?

Well, that’s an easy one. Not being able to see the people I love. Church got cancelled for a while, and I wasn’t able to see my extended family as much. We used to go see my mom’s side of the family every first Sunday of the month, but that JUST NOW started up again. I also used to see my grandparents every Monday, but that got cancelled along with everything else in 2020. I HATE 2020!!!!! XD

I’m with Kinzie. Although, just to be different, I’ll think of something else lol. The library was closed. It was tragic for me. Seriously. XD DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAD TO RE-READ MY JANE AUSTEN NOVELS????????? NO!? YOU DON’T!? Well, I’ll tell you. I THINK I READ THEM ALL FIVE TIMES EACH!!!! LITERALLY!!!!!!!!

I think everyone will agree with me that there wasn’t anything that could be a favorite part about 2020. However, for me, the WORST part about 2020 has got to be all the politics. It’s been tearing our country apart in so many ways. That’s the number one reason why me and my family are so stressed out lately, especially since it’s forcing us to leave the military. But that’s another question for another day . . . And don’t worry, Allison! I read ALL SEVEN BOOKS of the NARNIA series FIVE TIMES! I could probably list word-for-word each character’s dialogue in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe! 🤣🤣🤣 XD

If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?

My rule would be that everyone would always tell the truth.

Hmmm, this is a toughie. I guess I’ll just go with everybody has to make wise decisions.

You know what??? My rule that I want the entire world to follow is DO NOT FOLLOW STUPID RULES! I would’ve said my rule to be ‘everyone must follow Christ’, but if you eliminate ALL THE STUPID RULES, what other rules would there be to follow???(. . . oh yeah, the other 10,000+ laws that we have all because we couldn’t follow TEN SIMPLE COMMANDMENTS THAT WERE SET IN STONE! Sad, huh?) 😔

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

  1. For COVID to just disappear. Poof! No more masks!!!! Don’t we all?! BUT GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!! VA NO LONGER HAS A MASK MANDATE!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for Virginia! You guys still need to pack up and move to Oklahoma though. 😉 I would love to! I HAVE A RECRUIT!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!! *goes to purchase plane tickets* Lol, jk. 😂

  2. To be able to meet all my online friends in person.

  3. 10 more wishes.

This would be easy for me! I would wish . . .

  1. For the country to get its act together! I knew you would say that! Yes! It’s the obvious one! 😂

  2. To stop having to move from state to state every 3-5 years . . . I’ve lost so many friends because of this it is RIDICULOUS! 😥(Aw, I’m sorry!)

  3. For Jesus to come very, VERY soon.

I wish . . .

  1. That everyone would realize how much God loves them. I believe if people saw just a fraction of the height and depth of God’s love, everything about their lives would change dramatically.

  2. That people would love each other as much as God loves them. Most of our problems in this world would be solved if this were the case.

  3. That everyone would come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is my final and most important wish.

Thanks for doing this post with us!! Feat. you is always so much fun! Yes, we love featuring people! Ofc! I'm glad to do one anytime! I'm always available! See ya next time, RTAM readers!!!! Kinzie, I think we need an abrv NN for our readers, what do you think? 😉 I think so too! 😂 RTAMRs? XD We’ll come up with one and tell you guys next time. XD WHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! How abt...OAR! (Our amazing readers)Yes! They keep our blog afloat! XD That isn’t complex enough, Brendan, smh . . . 🤣 don’t you ever learn? XDXDXD Fine… OAGGOR (Our Amazing GIGANORMOUS group of readers!) 😉 YES!!!!!!!! ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!! BYE, OAGGOR (pronounced “ogre,” ofc XD)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD See you!!!!! ♥ Fare thee well, OAGGOR! *Insert Old English wave* XDXDXD

Until next time,

Kinz, Llis, and Bren the Majikal Nicknamer in Training

P.S. JAC was here. ◉‿◉

P.P.S. ONE LAST THING!!!!! XD Because there is definitely such a thing as ONE LAST THING! 🤣 Oh, yes, DEFINITELY. But this “last thing” is super hilarious!! You’ll love it. XD This is a video of Brendan’s sister when she was having a hard time with her English hw. XD Yes! It is a great video! English is just hard. 😂 Enjoy, everyone!

37 則留言

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨

oh yes, and that video was amazing. (p.s. i have the same textbook!) and say hi to JAC for me.

Llis C
Llis C

It was so awesome. 🤣 JAC says "hey"!! >‿◉


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨

i agree with you Brendan (oh wait i mean Brendan the amazing typist). the politics part of 2020 was just crazy, and still is crazy!! on the typing front: SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO TYPE. i was given a computer in like 1st grade and suddenly we had to type on it. no one taught me how, i was just given a computer and later on i had to start writing papers and book reports. so yeah, to this day, 7 year old me started the habit of using my middle fingers to type, and occasionally my index fingers. i know, so weird, but no one told my younger self how to type so here we are XD the funny…

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨



Selah 2
Selah 2

Oh poor Rebecca😂 I understand completely-English is evil and out to get everyone with its confusing rules!!! My moms was an English teacher and forever lecturing me on my grammar🤣

Loved the blog!!!

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨

my friend's mom is a teacher so she encounters the problem with grades and homework and stuff XD



The only typos I make are when I hit the space key too lightly (either that or my keyboard has a bad wire)



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