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Random Thoughts and Musings - 5/31/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Memorial Day Edition

Hello, OAGGOR!!! Hey, guys! Today is Memorial Day! *gasps of shock come from audience who is STILL doing school* YES! IT’S A HOLIDAY!!!!! Ok, you guys probably knew it was Memorial Day, but obviously, my brain isn’t working from doing no school. 😉 A lot of times we get so caught up in the festivities (the no school, weekend trips, etc.) that we forget what Memorial Day is really about. Allison and I decided to write a post about what we’re really celebrating this Monday (and no, it’s not the beginning of summer lol). Happy Memorial Day!!!


"Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."

- Sgt. Dennis O'Brien, USMC


Memorial Day will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s the day we spend each year remembering those brave men and women who gave their lives for our country. We live in the free nation of the United States of America because the people who came before us believed in freedom. They believed in it so much they were determined to pay any cost to obtain it. And for some, that cost was the highest price that could be paid: their lives. I am dedicating today to remembering those brave soldiers who gave their lives that I might be free. I am eternally grateful for their great sacrifice. They may be gone, but never will they be forgotten.

I encourage you all today to spend some time reflecting on these truths. Thank God for the men and women who were willing to give it all for freedom. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones in the military. Also pray for the safety of the soldiers who are currently serving. And lastly, never ever forget what a privilege it is to live in a free country. God has blessed us immensely, and we should never find ourselves taking it for granted. Freedom comes at a high price, but it’s not a one-time payment. It’s a continual sacrifice to maintain our freedom. Are you willing to take a stand for freedom today?

I love all patriotic holidays (Independence Day, Veterans’ Day, etc.), and Memorial Day is no exception! History is, as most of you know, my favorite subject, and it’s fascinating to learn about the American Revolution and how our country earned its freedom. Our revolution was so different from many others (like the French Revolution) because God has blessed our country. It saddens me to see the USA turning from God. But I’m getting sort of sidetracked haha. Back to Memorial Day. I am especially thankful for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be made free. So many people have fought and died unselfishly so that I could be free.

Take some time today not just to celebrate the day off school, spending time with family, and eating good food, but to remember what Memorial Day is really about, and what those courageous men and women fought for. Thank God for them! Happy Memorial Day, everyone!!


Lastly, we have a special announcement! This one isn’t as great as our last one (that we get to go to camp together), but it’s still pretty great! XD AND it pertains more to you guys than the camp announcement did. 😂 Last post we told you guys about how the last week of April is National Typo Week. Since then, Allison and I have received several requests from our friends who were FAR too impatient to wait a whole year to celebrate. 😉 Yes!!!! You guys need more patience . . . Isaac . . . XD Just kidding. Kinzie and I are also pretty impatient. XD I’ve always had a little bit of a patience deficiency lol. Same here haha. So, we decided that a whole bunch of National Typo WEEKS was going to get old pretty quickly. *Isaac bursts into tears* Instead, we’re going to do a National Typo Day every other month. *Isaac cheers* Since we forgot about it THIS month (Today is the last day of May haha.), and Kinzie and I are going to be without our devices at the end of next month (AT CAMP!!!!! YES!! GLORIOUS CAMP!!!!!!), we will start NTD (National Typo Days 😉) on July 31!!! *Everybody cheers, especially Isaac and Rebecca, from whom our requests originated 😉😂* XDXDXD And speaking of Rebecca, her brother (Brendan [PRB XD]) and another one of our friends deserves a major shoutout! Jared (bio #27745) and Brendan (bio #55453) both wrote “I am an OAGGOR” on their bios! Good job, guys!!! *applauds enthusiastically* *also applauds* Technically, that’s incorrect, since they’re saying “I am an our amazing giganormous group of readers” . . . BUT IT SOUNDS BETTER THAT WAY AND THEY’RE SHOWING SUPPORT!!!!!! (Leave it to Allison to think of correct grammar. It didn’t even cross my mind lol. 🙄😂 I LOVE THAT!!!! I thought of it right off the bat. XD Haha!) SO, GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! Thank you, guys. XD AND FOR THE REST OF YOU SLACKERS, YOU’D BETTER HAVE THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!! XDXDXD (Well, you don’t have to if you don’t WANT to. BUT YOU SHOULD WANT TO!!!! 😉)

Well, leave it to Kinzie and me to come up with an idea at the last minute and proceed to write a thousand words about it. 🤣 We’re so good at that! XD We really are. XD We hope you guys enjoyed this post! Yes! See you next time! ♥ Bye, OAGGOR!!! *claps again for Bren and Jared XD*

Until next time!

Kinz and Llis

13 comentarios

02 jun 2021

1: You’re obviously not talking about me in there. ^ _^

2: BUT THAT’S @ MONTHS FROM NOW!!!!! (ever hold shift while typing numbers? It doesn’t work too well…)


4: It’s OMMPAGHOOTPB, don’t you remember.

Me gusta
Llis C
Llis C
04 jun 2021
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  1. To have what in a whole year?

  2. Exactly. Wait. *confusion* XD (*smug grin*

  3. Lol

  4. Um, ok.

Me gusta

02 jun 2021

I loved this post! It was a beautiful reminder to never forget all the sacrifices made for our country. Great job, guys!!

P.S. oh yeah!! I’ll add that to my bio too! 😉😂

Me gusta
Llis C
Llis C
02 jun 2021
Contestando a

Thank you!

Kinzie gets the credit for that one. 😁

Me gusta
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