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Redeeming the Time - Be of Good Cheer

Writer's picture: ajschaub12.6ajschaub12.6

Updated: Dec 27, 2020

(originally written Feb. 27, 2020)

Rather recently (yesterday actually!) I was reading in Luke 19 where Christ gives the parable of the ten pounds. Now you probably are thinking “Yes, I know that story. This one rich guy goes off to a country and gives his three servants one coin The one dude got 1 and he ends up with 10, the second dude got 1 and he ends up with 5, and the third dude got 1 and he was lazy so they threw him out and the dude with 10 gets his 1 pound.” And you go on with life with the understanding that Christians are to be like the guy who made 10 pounds: be good stewards.

And that’s a good point.

But when I was reading this passage for the nth time, verse 14 popped out.

"But his citizens hated him [the nobleman], and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us." - Luke 19:14, KJV

Christ was talking about himself, of course. He described the behavior of the Scribes and Pharisees – and also the behavior of the world. 1 John 3:1 says that “it knew him not” and in John 17, Christ reminds us that the world hated Him before it hated us. This is Satan at work. He delights in taking the already fallen human race and poisoning it, fortifying it, hardening it against the love of God. And he appears to have been successful – just look at the culture today with its mockery of God. Everywhere, especially in everyday language, He is taken lightly. His name is smeared in the mud. Atheists preach that He does not exist. His chosen nation, Israel, is surrounded by hostile nations who would love to wipe Jews off the map. Christians are told to not to witness – His wonderful word of truth is quickly smothered and bundled away as a bunch of fairy tales. On every side the Almighty is assaulted by the forces of evil which appear to be succeeding and many Christians feel like there is no hope.

But there is hope.

In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33b, KJV Be of good cheer. How much more comforting does it get than be of good cheer? (This is one of the reasons I love the KJV – the language is so much more beautiful. And I believe it is more accurate too.) I don’t think this word is used a whole lot today, at least not in its original context. defines it as “something that gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort”. I like to think of it as sunshine (what’s more cheerful than sunshine?) beaming through the clouds and (especially on slightly foggy days) breaking up into more visible rays. We are to be like sunshine in the darkness of the world around us (“Be of good sunshine!”), letting the brilliant light of Christ flood every area of our lives as a testimony to unbelievers.

Now you may say, “It is all good and fine to be of good cheer and sunshinyness and all that, but I still don’t see any actual hope.” Read the rest of the verse: “I have overcome the world.” Christ has already overcome the world! You can be of good cheer because the world has absolutely no chance of winning! (Here’s something to praise God for in your prayers.)


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