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The Bookish Blog - Discernment is CRUCIAL!!!

Writer's picture: ChloeChloe

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

Today's Fan Art of the Month is from Story Thieves and his name is Orion. Artist: Bella Howe. And remember: if you have anything you want to submit, just send me a message privately and I'll feature your fanart in the next post!

Everyone knows that reading is a really, really, awesome way to spend time. It has lots of benefits: it gets your imagination running, it expands your vocabulary, and it raises your sympathy for other people. There are a lot more benefits BUT, as bibliophiles, I'm sure a few of you guys have experienced stuff in what seemed to be a great book...that is just, how do I put this...not good.😥 It's especially sad because that book was getting really good. I'm not going to give you guys certain examples from my reading experience, but it's happened to me. The really big problem with this is that what you read can go into your head. You think about what you read about. See the problem? What we need to do is to think about things that honor God. Here's a Bible verse to back me up:

Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things. Philippians 4:8 NIRV

This is why I like to look at reviews for certain books sometimes before reading them, just in case. I encourage you guys to do the same. Now, what I'm not saying is that you only stick to only the books you know, I'm saying that you need to check certain books before reading them. One fabulous website I like to use for finding clean reads is none other than... Clean Reads! As for other websites I like to use for reviewing books, I use Common Sense Media and Plugged In. Of course, this information doesn't apply to just books, but to movies, TV shows, and games as well. Just remember to use caution and read with discernment the next time you pick up a book. It's crucial!

Websites that I mentioned in this post:

Well, quote time!

"We read to know that we are not alone." -C.S. Lewis

"It's okay to be different. If everyone were the same, we'd all make the same mistakes. Instead we all face our own things, and that's not so bad because we have people who care about us to help us through." -Sophie Foster, Keeper of the Lost Cities 4: Neverseen by Shannon Messenger

Thanks for reading, bookwyrms!

(P.S. If you haven't noticed the "pattern" of when I make my blog post, if you go to my blog posts, you'll see that they come out once every month. I plan on that being the frequency of posts, unless I have time to make more than one a month! Just an update!😊)


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Jun 07, 2021

I love the post Bella! It is SO important to think about what we read before we read!

I really like the C.S. Lewis quote and that bible verse is one of my favorites!

Two years ago I bought a book that looked like a good summer read. I had my mom look it over and she said it looked fine. Well, I liked it and was getting really into it when some pg 13 stuff started getting involved... I kept reading since I thought it was only that one part but unfortunately it was a repeated thing. I kept reading the book since I knew that the book was about her choosing between the bad thing and her family…


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Jun 06, 2021

I love that verse so much!! something that my dad (our ig our dad lol) said: "When you're reading, How do you usually do it? When you're praying by yourself, how do you usually do it? You do both in your head, right? So if you're reading something that's wrong, you're doing that in your head, the same head that you use to pray to the Most High God." I had never thought about it that way before. The more i thought about it, the more i realized how true it is. Philippians 4:8 is really important to think about when selecting a book to read!!

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Jun 07, 2021
Replying to

Your dad sounds like a very smart & godly man.

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