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Laugh Out Loud - I Scream for Ice Cream/Coffee Take 2

Writer's picture: Not Shellyfish🐚Not Shellyfish🐚

Short story from this past Sunday

’Kay so remember how I *cough* attempted to have coffee a several months—er, blog posts😅—ago? Well, I recently decided that it was lousy, and I wasn’t gonna let some disgusting beverage conquer me so easily. (No offense to the coffee-lovers, but gee that stuff is awful.)

I usually take hot chocolate with me to church in my thermos when the weather is cold. When we ran out, I figured I would have to be satisfied with tea until we got more hot chocolate. Then I got bored after two Sundays of that and decided to try coffee again. Mind you, this was still American French vanilla; the Canadian one ran out already. This time, I poured a mug of water into a pot and added ONE TEASPOON of coffee and then put it on the stove, determined not to screw up again.


Anyone remember a time when Collin and I were talking about cooking and I said I’m good at it, but I inherited my dad’s genes of forgetting when I’m cooking so I usually avoid it?

Yeah well, I didn’t want to be late for church, so I left the kitchen to brush my teeth while I waited for the coffee. And I got carried away listening to music in the process. By the time I remembered I had put something on the stove, the whole house smelled like coffee. I shot out of my room and found that MY DAD of all people had casually removed my coffee from the stove.😐 Feeling rather sheepish, I poured it into my thermos—THROUGH A SIEVE THIS TIME—added milk, and tasted it.

Believe it or not, it wasn’t actually that bad. Except for the fact that it was somewhat overcooked. I can never get it right, can I?

So coffee people (is that only Abby and Thomas?), how’d I do? You can go ahead and correct me—I know I’m horrible at making coffee and I don’t mind hearing it.

Hilarious traffic police incident from one of my friends

At church, we have a teens’ group (most of us refuse the word “Sunday school”) where we usually do DBS—Discovery Bible Study. But obviously, it doesn’t work too well when there are few of us. This one day it was just me, a friend, and our youth instructor. The three of us are pretty close, and when we get together, conversations go wild. Sooo when we finished the DBS early, we started talking about other things: racing karts, car mechanics, which is better between NASCAR and F1 (how is that even a discussion?), the best European soccer teams, and of course, traffic police.

My friend (let’s just call him Ant) is underage, but he’s been driving around in his cousin’s BMW since he was like 14. At the time of this conversation, he was 15. He claimed to have avoided the traffic police in all his driving time (recently he told me he got pulled over for speeding but that’s another story) except for two or three times (those are also other stories). Our youth leader—say his name is J—told us one of his own experiences.

He said he was driving his best friend’s (also happens to be his brother-in-law) car when he got pulled over by one of them lady officers. She demanded to know why the taillights were tinted. He said it wasn’t actually his car, and he didn’t think tinted taillights were even a problem. She said they were illegal (side note here, there are PLENTY of cars around with tinted head- and taillights) and that she was going to have to give him a ticket. J’s way of dealing with these police is to tell them “Well, you have two choices. You can either give me a ticket or forgive me.” Apparently, it’s worked more than once for him, but I’d be too impatient to try it. So, he said that to this lady, and she was stubborn and didn’t want to forgive him. Then another officer (a guy) comes over holding two cups of ice cream that he had just bought from a little ice cream cart nearby. He was like, “Why are you giving this man a hard time? You should be nice to him.”

Then—get this—he gave one ice cream to the lady and the other TO MY FRIEND J. And then he said J was free to go.


Ant and I could hardly believe a story like that, but yeah, it did happen. J said even he was shocked and drove away like he’d been petrified by the Basilisk (that's my analogy btw).

What is it with these police? I’ll never understand them.



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Aug 02, 2022

okay, abt the police, 1) 14 AND UR DRIVING?!?! i'd best be gettin' started, shouldn't i...😅 2) i'd imagine the car would be crashed with the dude driving, considering he had one hand with ice cream (unless he, like, put the cone between his teeth, pirate style) and the shock, not to mention, of such an occurrence happening😂, and 3) mad respect to the police that gave the ice cream 😏 the police are one of the wonders of the universe, right up there with black holes and alternate dimensions, and the amount of calories in McDonalds happy meals, all that😂

Aug 04, 2022
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Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Jul 31, 2022

Standing ovation for that officer!! (The one with the ice cream of course.)

Aug 02, 2022
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AMEN🤣 preach, girl!


Unknown member
Jul 30, 2022

Great post, Shelly!

About the coffee, my best advice is to get a KEURIG coffee maker. It can brew the coffee for you, and K-Cups are available. Worthwhile investment!

Not Shellyfish🐚
Not Shellyfish🐚
Jul 31, 2022
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We actually do have a coffee maker, but sorry, that stuff's just too disgusting for me XD


Jul 29, 2022

SHELLYYYYYY!!!!!! HOW COULD YOUUUU?!?!?! MOW UR A COFFEE LOVER😭😭😭????!!!!!XDXD ALSO, that's crazy abt the traffic police, lolol.

Aug 03, 2022
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dat's how i roll😎

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