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Laugh Out Loud - Jesus Came For You Too

Writer's picture: Not Shellyfish🐚Not Shellyfish🐚


Ok, so we like to listen to this American radio station called WGTS 91.9. It’s a Christian non-profit station, and they have some neat “commercials” meant mostly for encouragement. On Saturday, we were listening to it and one of these “commercials” came on. It went something like this: Jesus came for you whether you’re democratic, republican, liberal, conservative, don’t know or don’t care. Jesus came for the person who cut you off in traffic etc. My mom was like “Ooh, that’s a good one! I’m gonna use that.”

I said, “What, you’re going to stick your head out the window and say that when someone cuts you off?”

And she said YEAH IMMA DO DAT.

We had a good laugh and of course I knew she was joking. *cough* I thought I knew.

The next morning, we were headed to church and the topic of “Jesus came for you too” came up. Oh, I forgot to say: there are these minibuses called daladalas and their drivers are…interesting. They often leave the front of the daladalas sticking out when they stop on the side for customers. It’s totally normal. So here we are driving along, and this daladala in front of us goes to the side of the road and deliberately sticks out so he’s blocking half the lane. My mom hit the brakes hard enough to leave seatbelt indentations in our chests. The driver pops his head out, sees us, and makes a “sorry” gesture that DID NOT look sorry. My mom quietly drove around the daladala, put down her window, and said:

“Jesus came for you too!” and went on.

Boy did we laugh. Bruh, WE CRACKED UP. My younger brother had this blank look on his face, and my older brother was howling loud enough the wake the dead. I couldn’t stop laughing. My mom was like, “What? I said I was going to do it.”

“I thought you were kidding!” I said, still laughing.

“Bro, like when you opened the window, I knew that was coming,” my older brother hooted.

I didn’t! I honestly thought you were gonna yell at him,” I said.

“Yoooo you shoulda seen the driver’s face!” my brother hollered.

Eventually even my mom had to laugh about it. And we were amazed by how instead of being mad at some daladala driver, we had a good laugh.

Then at church we talked about surrendering to Christ and letting Him lead our lives. We usually have this “sharing time” at the end where anyone can talk about personal experiences connected with the sermon. I NEVER get up to speak in front of the entire congregation; I’m just too shy XD But this time (my brother said it must've been the Holy Spirit’s guiding) I felt compelled to get up and share. So I did. Some of my friends started whooping because I never talk in front of everybody and this one called Lulu literally yelled, “SHE NEVER TALKS.” Anyway, I told the story and I could see my mom facepalming and probably wishing she didn’t exist but I tell ya EVERYONE LAUGHED. Then I said how when we have Christ’s peace and guidance in us, we can share it with others even if they don’t know about it. And they all clapped when I finished!! I felt like I was in heaven.

After church, everyone was coming up to my mom and going like “Oh my word, that was awesome! Good job!” Conversations about it went on even until my little brother’s birthday party (which happened to be right after church). It was hilarious and amazing at the same time.

So y’all, JESUS CAME FOR THE PERSON WHO CUT YOU OFF IN TRAFFIC. I know, it may not be the best idea to say that to someone in the US (they might get mad, so yeah), but it’s still neat to think about it whenever something like that happens.



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Aug 22, 2022

"WGTS, 91.9!!! WASHINGTOONNNN" sorry, had to get that out o' my system... anyways, BAAHHAHAHA🤣🤣😂😂🤣😭😭🤣 "jEsUS cAME fOr yOu toO!" well, its true, ain't it? still, that was BRILLIANT🤣😂🤣btw, i want to applaud u for shaking off ur shyness. im so proud, Shelly. u've come a long way😌 i've taught u well.

Aug 23, 2022
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AMEN GIRL, PREACH IT! SING IT!! absolutely same, girl😌


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Aug 20, 2022

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. (Also love wgts 91.9)

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Aug 23, 2022
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YESS it’s practically my childhood


Unknown member
Aug 19, 2022

Umefanya vyema, Shelly! I absolutely loved this post, and would like to congratulate both you and your mother for being bold and speaking up about Jesus.

Aug 26, 2022
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it was too rich🤣

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