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Note to Self - 2 - "Does Daddy Not Love Me?"

J.C. Bridgewater

Just a disclaimer before you start reading: This is unfiltered (no profanity or derogatory words but some of the topics/words may make certain people uncomfortable)

I do have strict permission to tell the following story to the audience of BJU:CC only. Please do not copy said work and distribute as to per my friends request, thanks!

Sorry for the wait on this post, one its been a long couple of weeks and two i had to get permission for the story.

There I am sitting in a large wooden room. My friend, her mom, and younger sister are sitting in-front of me with their backs turned and my friend is trying desperately not to cry, not to show emotions, not to let the satisfaction of seeing her in pain come to him. The doors in the back open and a person walks in which triggers most of the small crowd to either look away or scoff, one lady starts yelling at the man that walked in and the sound of a gavel pounding sounds with a stern commanding "ORDER" following it. Meanwhile my Friend (Zuri) is trying to comfort her five-year-old sister (Destiny), who is confused as to everything that is going on around the poor girl.

The Mom and the man, which I am refusing to call her dad, exchange a hateful glare at each other before the man and his attorney sit down and the court begins. See what had started as a beautiful marriage became corrupt and a facade when the man had been seeking out other women and actually had the nerve to bring his second family to the court case. But of all the things that could have been odd about this whole ordeal there was one very very odd thing... the man wanted half of everything... but didn't want anything to do with his biological daughters. I knew this lit a fire inside of Zuri after she had spent a lifetime (17 years) trying to make her dad proud and she never heard those words and now before her very eyes he wanted nothing to do with her?

As the terms were being read aloud Zuri and Destiny kept waiting to hear anything about themselves towards the mans side but... alas nothing came up. There was a moment I prolly will never forget in my life. A distraught and confused Destiny drops her head and starts sniffling. She looks up at her older sister and with tears in her eyes asks "Does daddy not love me?". Now I have a dare for you... try not to cry in that situation. What little girl wants to go through that? What little child deserves that? None.

But heres the thing, I was once told "the way your dad treats you will effect the way you see God" and i... didn't believe the guy. Until one day I "woke" up and realized everything I was doing wasn't at all what God had planned for me. According to a study done in 2022, 72.2% of Americans agree that the absentee father is a major issue effecting our nation and world. A lot of issues that the world faces could be solved by guys being faithful and standing with their families and such.

Lets be real for a sec, sometimes... parents kinda suck... they get it wrong and mess up and completely miss the target which make it hard to view God as imperfect. But having been hurt and knowing what loneliness feels like. Knowing the pain of being hurt and never knowing if you're making them proud or not, has driven me to care for the people going through it.

But God is the perfect parent. "For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5. He will never leave us or hurt us.... saying it another way. He aint ever gonna: Give you up, Let you down, Run Around, or Desert You. (hahahaha YES)

Name another person that has literally died for everyone. But Gods there even when you cant feel it! And Ik for a fact that at least that Dad love you :D

- J.C. Bridgewater


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Sep 28, 2023

aight now i KNOW u didn't just straight-up rickroll me, i thought we was having a moment...😭 seriously tho, this is just a real reminder for a real problem, and i respect u for bringing it up with such vividity, thank u my friend, people need this

Sep 29, 2023
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This my friend is just the beginning :D


Not Shellyfish🐚
Not Shellyfish🐚
Sep 27, 2023

Brilliant post. Psalm 27:10--When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.

Sep 27, 2023
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Thank you! wish i woulda had that verse!

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