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Random Thoughts and Musings - 6/28/21

Writer's picture: Kinz & LlisKinz & Llis

From the Keyboards of Kinz and Llis

Featuring Isaac

Well, hello, OMPAGOOTPB. Welcome to RTAM, all you people who may or may not know what that abbreviation means. Am I the only one who knows what it means? šŸ˜‚ You know, it sounds really hilarious when you try to say that abrv. out loud. XD I certainly donā€™t remember it. XD I just call them ā€œOAGGORā€ to myself lol. OAGGOR-I mean OMPAGOOTPB, meet Isaac!! Yes! Weā€™re super excited to be feat. Isaac in this RTAM post! šŸ˜ Letā€™s see if thatā€™s true by the end. . . . Especially since Spellcheck says Iā€™m perfect so far. Oh wait, now it says its name shouldnā€™t be capitalized . . . Haha, good old Spellcheck. Thatā€™s actually the topic of this post! I donā€™t know about you guys, but Spellcheck and autocorrect can be SO annoying sometimes. -_- SINCE WHEN IS IT SCā€™S (Spellcheckā€™s šŸ˜‰) BUSINESS IF I WANT TO MISSPELL A WORD?! YEAH!!!!! DOESNā€™T HE (SC is now a ā€œheā€ XD Haha!) KNOW THAT SOMETIMES Iā€™M TRYING TO MISSPELL STUFF!!!! OR MAYBE Iā€™M TRYING TO SPELL A WORD HE DOESNā€™T RECOGNIZE!!!!!!!!! BUT SOMEHOW I AM WRONG!!!!!!!!! ITā€™S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!! XDXDXD NOT AT ALL!!!!! I mean, if it were up to SC, ā€œRTAMā€ would be incorrect. AND THATā€™S JUST BLASPHEMY. AMEN!!!!!! šŸ¤£ But weā€™re getting ahead of ourselves. XD As always. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚ I think Iā€™ll underline everything South Carolina (no offense) says is wrong. Lol, it does look like South Carolina. šŸ˜‚ Well, if we tried to make all our abrv make perfect sense, we wouldnā€™t have nearly as many, would we now? HAHA! YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT! And besides, making sense is overrated and boring. šŸ¤£ SO TRUE!!!!! XDXDXD We wish. *says the one whoā€™s misunderstood half the time. . . . 0 _o* You are the new cool, Isaac! I think we should write a post about how being normal is lame. XD YES!!!! NOBODY WANTS TO BE NORMAL!!!! Well, nobody SHOULD want to be normal! Be yourself in all your craziness! XD Apparently crazy is now normal. Oh wait, oops. . . . XDXDXD *peers ahead where the rest of the post should be* Oh, looks like weā€™re out of time, hurry letā€™s go goodbye. . . . Ā¬ ā€æĀ¬


John 14:27 ā€œPeace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.ā€

Satan will always try to duplicate what God has given us, and the peace that passeth all understand is no different. The ā€œpeaceā€ the world tries to give is nothing compared to what we have in Christ. Their peace is the exact opposite of Christā€™s. His is everlasting, while theirs is temporary; His will satisfy, while the world leaves you feeling empty and always craving more. Guys, if you havenā€™t received the perfect, everlasting peace of God, please donā€™t put it off. Trust Christ as your Savior! (See post #7 for more detail on this.)


ALL RIGHT, BACK TO RANTING ABOUT SC. WEā€™VE ALL HAD SC OR AC (AutoCorrect haha) MESS UP OUR MESSAGES. THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEYā€™RE TALKING ABOUT. THEY LIKE TO THINK THEY KNOW WHAT WEā€™RE TRYING TO SAY, BUT THEY DONā€™T!!!!!!! NOT AT ALL!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! *mutters under breath* Stupid, know-it-all SC . . . -_- XD [I turned AutoCorrect off. So there. *unrolls masking tape*] GOOD FOR YOU, ISAAC!!!!! I think I need to join the resistance. XD I donā€™t have AC (AutoCorrect, not my initials, Isaac šŸ˜‰) on my computer, or I would probably join as well. XD You know, it is rather interesting that the abbreviation for Autocorrect is the same as you-know-whoā€™s favorite typing style. Oh yeahhh, thatā€™s true too. (All caps, for the OAGGOR who donā€™t know me quite as well. XDXDXD) Oh, and a certain someoneā€™s initials . . . Ā¬ ā€æĀ¬ Yes, and itā€™s also the abrv. for the only thing that keeps us alive during Oklahoma summers. You mean you actually use those freezing apparatuses?!? You donā€™t?! We do, but sometimes it seems like theyā€™re going to give me frostbite. Really? How hot does it get in Georgia? The heat index has been over 102Āŗ lately, but itā€™s probably warmer in the sun. *passes out from the thought of such ridiculous heat* Thatā€™s way too hot. šŸ˜‚ *randomly interrupts* My roommate in South Carolina (I WAS AT BJU FOR A BASKETBALL CAMP!!!!!!!!!) turned our AC down to 63. XDXDXD HAHA! THAT IS FANTASTIC!!!! Where was she from? šŸ˜‚ Like, ten minutes away from the campus. Thatā€™s awesome. XD Granted, I was fine with it, since I wasnā€™t cold or anything, but still. (Toooootally hadnā€™t put it down to 66 the night before . . .) XDXDXD Okay, that was a nice little rabbit trail. XD Anything else to say thatā€™s on topic, anyone? Or should we end? XD Iā€™ve been waiting for that heat wave to come over here. (YES! I have succeeded in totally diverting the direction of the conversation! XD) No we shouldnā€™t end! I havenā€™t even mentioned Chainmail 2.0! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yes I did make a Minecraft resource pack (Yes, they are too easy). And no, those emojis were not mine. You can just fight over whether it was Kinzie or Allison. ā€¢interesting mix-up that I will not recountā€¢ XDXDXDXD Haha! It was Kinzie. šŸ˜‰ I knew that. ^ _^ā˜ļøŽ Chainmail 2.0 is included below. Cool!

Iā€™m so glad we got to do a post with our friend, Isaac! This has been fun. Thanks for doing it with us, Isaac! šŸ˜ƒ Yes, thank you, Isaac, and thank YOU, OAGGOR, for putting up with our craziness once again. XDXDXD TTLY, everyone!!! Stay tuned for part 2.

Until next time!

Kinz, Llis, and Isaac


Jul 06, 2021

Is no one going to comment on my brand new flight suit? No? Well then ā€”_ā€” to you.


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Jun 29, 2021

*Applause* Another well planned, perfectly organized, & not at all crazy RTAM post!šŸ˜‰

Loved it!

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Jul 06, 2021
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You are very welcome!šŸ˜‚

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