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Sitewide Announcement

Writer's picture: EllyElly

Hey everyone! Elly here with a few updates concerning the BJU Creative Corner!

  1. I'm sure you've all noticed the updated chat function by now... yeahhhh it's not the best but hopefully we'll all get used to it and the lag improves! 🙏🏽

  2. How would y'all feel about a meme section? As in ORIGINAL memes, created from a picture you either took yourself or found on the internet but with your caption. If you are interested and would contribute. please comment below and if I get at least five people interested, I'll create one!

  3. There has recently been created a subpage in the art gallery for "Crafts"! So for all you crafty people out there, bring on the submissions and let's fill this page up!

  4. And another idea, contributed by one of you all, is to hold a writing contest! Judging will be done by all of y'all, using a form for everyone to vote their top three choices. Specifics will follow shortly if enough of you are willing to submit. (Again, please comment below if this interests you!)

  5. One last thing. At the veeeeery bottom of the blogs page, there is a subscription form so that if you're subscribed you get an email notification anytime a new blog post is published. Just wanted to throw that out there since it's so far below everything else and as they say, "out of sight, out of mind."

That's all for now, thanks for your attention!

~ Elly - Site admin.


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Nov 17, 2021

This is so late and it's probably been up for like a long long time XD but I wanted to say maybe we could add a drawing category in the art gallery? I'm not so great with digital art but I would love to post some of my drawings:)

Nov 17, 2021
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Oh thanks Ian! I'm still new here so I have to get used to how this works :)


Jun 11, 2021

SO the meme section has been published! As for the writing contest, I should have the details for it out this afternoon or over the weekend.


Jun 07, 2021



May 23, 2021

Ooooh I'd love a meme section! And a writing contest would be awesome!


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
May 22, 2021

I like the meme idea! I've thought up a lot but I don't have anything to create them with. *groans coming from the audience* Yes I know it is very sad. But I shall contribute as soon as possible!

The writing contest sounds really fun!

I will be sure to remember to submit some of my crafts for Monday!

May 22, 2021
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