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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 1/27/21

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Bloggo #33

Hello Folkies!

(Yes that is now your exclusive and original name, and it will be used in every greeting and closing from now on)

Quote of the Day: “Life is too short to be serious all the time, so if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me! I’ll laugh at you.” Yessir. #TooTrue.

Useless Fact of The Day: "The Pringles Innovator Was Buried in a Pringles Can." Ooookaayyyy... creepy. That would be like me being buried in a giant... every-other-day bloggo poster... or somethin... NEVER MIND.

What’s up With Me: I… went… SLEDDINGGGGGG!!!! It was So. Much. Fun. Plus, my friend’s mom took my sister and I, and since my parental units weren’t around I did some kinda crazy things that I really shouldn’t have done… *feels guilt* Well, it wasn’t really thaaaaat dangerous, all I did was go down the hill backwards and head first… yeah, that was pretty stupid… but fun… but dumb… Well, anyhoo, the very first time I went down was on this big sled with two of my friends and my sister, it was really fun, except for when my foot bashed into this random teenage dude, and well, uh, it was kinda awkward… (Have you ever noticed how awkwardly the word awkward is spelled? No? Ooookay, back to the story) So after bashing into the guy, my friend Karina yelled at him, “WE WON!” And I tried to hide under the snow, but it was too cold, so I just yelled at her for being so weird. Which is pretty weird… WHATEVER. And another time when we went down, I bashed into ANOTHER kid, and knocked his hat off. I chucked it back at him and yelled, “SOOOOORRRRRYYYYY!!!!” And he started running towards me like he was gonna punch meh, but then his sister gave him The Look and he just walked away. But that was only part of the day. Later on, we went to Addie’s house and had a pillow fight. The participants of this war were Addie, Harry, and me. After a few minutes, Harry was hit by a rapid-fire pillow that caused him to retreat to his bedroom for, THE ULTIMATE PILLOW! This pillow was taller than he himself! He tried to swing it around, but it was also pretty heavy, soooo after a little while, Addie grabbed the pillow from her brother and… sat on it. While all this was happening, I was barraging Harry with several other rapid fire pillows, when suddenly, my own sister broadsided me with a grenade cleverly disguised as an orange. Which sent me reeling backwards which ended the war. Oh yeah, but right before the pillow war, all of us were sitting on the couch observing as Harry played Mario. WHICH makes me go to Selah’s Professionally Unprofessional Opinion! A segment I COMPLETELY FORGOT about until my sister reminded me of it… whoops…

Selah’s Professionally Unprofessional Opinion: Have you ever thought about how weird all them Mario games are? I mean, basically, the point of the game is to save a princess whose name is a fruit. Umm…? You achieve this goal by jumping on the villains’ heads and whacking them with sticks… Imma still umming…

I would do a Story Time, but the What’s Up With Me basically was the story…

Prayer Challenge: Pray for your best friend. And if you don’t have a best friend, pray for a sibling.

Ciao Folkies!

~Selah 😎


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Bella Howe
Bella Howe
Feb 17, 2021

I love Mario games! I do agree that they are sometimes a little weird, but they're fun! I'm also a HUGE fan of Mario Kart and I'm not to bad at it if I do say so myself


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Feb 02, 2021

yes, the mario games are weird. but they're fun sooo XD and there are others that aren't like that, such as odyssey and mario kart. and we have a Wii XD never had mario kart or anything but we got a switch a couple years ago. there are still Miis on the switch, which i thought was interesting.


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 01, 2021

(It's a game system. The original Wii U basically)


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 01, 2021

How do you not know what a Wii is?!


Feb 01, 2021

Why. Haven't. You. Told. Me. This. SOONER?! Child, I could've played it at your house!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Also, what's a wii???

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