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The Goodness of God - A National Day of Prayer

Updated: Sep 2, 2021

Hey everyone. Everything I am about to tell you, I do not take lightly. Actually, my eyes are still wet from crying over what I am going to talk about. I am sure that you all have seen what is going on over in Afghanistan. If you don't, go look it up or ask your parents because right now we watching history unfold. We will be able to tell your kids one day, Lord willing, that we were alive when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. And while I do not get political on here, but I am going to say that this would not have happened if Joe Biden had not pulled out our troops.

If you guys do not know, the Taliban are the ones who attacked us on 9-11, which the 20th anniversary is coming up very soon. They are terrorists, and President Bush sent our military over there to Afghanistan to protect the Afghans and keep peace. Many men and women have died over there serving and keeping peace. When Biden pulled out our military it was the IDEAL time for the Taliban to take over.

There was peace for about 20 years. So, girls my age, 16, have grown up in a place of safety and freedom. Now in the blink of an eye, they cannot go out on the streets without being harassed and questioned. Americans who work for the government who are stationed over there are trapped. They cannot get out. They are living in fear because the Taliban are searching and arresting anyone who works for our government. They will eventually be killed. Our troops were sent back and are stationed at airports. Yesterday my mom and I were in tears because we saw on Instagram that a dad afghan handed his young baby to a soldier to give him a chance of getting out. Parents are placing their young children into the hands of our soldiers who are at the airports to give them a better chance of getting out. People are running beside planes that are taking off out of the airports and trying to jump on and ride the plane out of the country. It is so terrible, Franklin Graham has called a National day of prayer today to pray for everyone over there.

This crisis has several different outcomes, but they are all bad. We could either go to war, which Biden does not have the backbone to declare, or we continue to sneak people out and then eventually pull all our troops out again and leave everyone to die.

This leads me to what I am going to do. Tomorrow, even though I will be at school, I am going to fast and pray for everyone in Afghanistan. I encourage you at several different times today to pray for what I have told you. Pray for me tomorrow while I fast for the first time, and that the Lord gives me enough energy to get through the day because I am always drained before lunch and I am struggling with a certain class and the last two days at school I almost had an emotional breakdown. No joke. So please pray for me. I appreciate ya'll so much!!

Please read this!!

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Unknown member
Aug 27, 2021

Yes quick follow up, yesterday 12 of our marines were killed by a suicide bomber, along with several afghans.

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Sep 01, 2021
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Aug 23, 2021

I actually didn’t know anything about this, so thanks for writing this. I will definitely be praying for everyone over there

✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Aug 26, 2021
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I didn't either. I was glad to here it from her instead of the news or the internet tbh lol.


Aug 23, 2021

I have heard very little about this, and I want to thank you for shedding more light on the topic. This is extremely serious and I will most certainly pray.


Aug 22, 2021

My thoughts on the Afghanistan stuff: Honestly... The US troops shouldn't have even been in Afghanistan. I know that might sound terrible, but let me explain. In History class on Monday we talked about how history repeats itself. People have tried to colonize Afghanistan before and every time the same thing happens. The people are driven out and killed. If we don't study History we are just going to have to learn.

Unknown member
Aug 23, 2021
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I totally respect your opinion. But I will say that our troops were only there to prevent this from happening. They were not there to colonize Afghanistan, but to protect them from groups like the Taliban who are terrorists and want to talk over the Middle East. And no one is being driven out, they are trapped inside the country fearing for their lives.


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Aug 22, 2021

Wow. Thank you for sharing. Everyone in America needs to pray for them and that the right choices will be made in this situation. praying for you, Afghanistan, the president, the American troops, and all of the innocent people who are dealing with this terrible thing.

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