Hola! I hope y’all are well. I am so glad today is Friday. It’s been a long time coming. Anyway, today I was listening to a new song by Cain (if you haven’t heard of them you should go check them out!!) They have released a new song called “Yes He can” and in the lyrics it talked about what God has done and therefore who He is. So I decided to make a list of everything thing that God has done to prove He is God and He rules the heavens.
The most obvious thing is that He created the world from nothing
Sent the flood when the people of that time didn’t even know what rain was!!
The bush that was on fire but was not consumed
Sent 10 crazy plagues to torture the Egyptians
Parted the Red Sea in TWO for his people to cross!! (Cool thing about this is that within the past couple of decades there have been remains of chariots and things like that found at the bottom of the Red Sea.)
Manna and quail from out of thin air
Water from a dry rock
Jorden river split so that the priests could cross
Brought the monstrous walls of Jericho down after Joshua led the Jews around it seven times
He held the sun in the sky for 24 hours
He chose the least likely person (David) to lead His people
God takes Elijah on Mt Carmel
The Widow’s oil is replenished over and over
The Widow’s son is raised from the dead
Hezekiah’s prayer is answered and God extends his life
Nehemiah and the Jews rebuild the wall in 52 days
Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar his dream and interprets it without any prior knowledge of it
Daniel’s friends are tossed into the fire and come out untouched
A hand comes out of nowhere and writes on the wall
Daniel escapes the lion den untouched
This is a two part post, so be on the lookout for the second part because this was just the Old Testament. The New Testament will be even better because God came to earth as a man, and it says in the New Testament that there isn’t enough room to write down all the miracles He performed.
I hope that this encourages you and tells you that God is in control and has got the whole world in His hands (and yes I just quoted a nursery rhyme 😂) God created trillions of stars and billions of galaxies, as He KNOWS YOUR NAME, and has a plan for you.
God is so good!!
Wonderful post! Can't wait for part 2!