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The Goodness of God- Who God is.

Welcome back! If you are reading this, that means you’ve made it to the last day of school! (For this week at least) It also means you haven’t died of, depression, loneliness, anxiety, forgetting to eat and dying of starvation, a heat stroke because you started doing your schoolwork outside, or boredom because all your life you’ve only ever known school and you have no idea what a social life looks like because you are a homeschooler!!(At least, that is what a majority of public schoolers think about us homeschoolers) Anywho, I love Fridays. I’m sure y’all do too. Moving on, this is the second part of the blog I posted last week of who God is and proof He is God and that He rules the universe.

1.Virgin birth of Jesus

2. Water turned to wine at the wedding in Cana

3. Lepers healed

4. A Centurion’s paralyzed servant healed at the mention of Jesus’ words

5. Furious storm instantly calmed

6. Gerasene demonic healed

7. Another paralyzed man healed

8. 12 year-old girl raised from the dead

9. An old hemorrhaging woman healed

10. 5 blind men healed at different times

11. Jesus feeds 5000 people (Its more like 20,000 including women and children) with five loves and two fish

12. Jesus feeds another large crowd of people

13. Jesus walks on water

14. Demon possessed boy is healed

15. Fig tree withers

16. Resurrection!!!

17. Deaf/mute man healed

18. Zechariah goes mute then speaks

19. Angels appear to the shepherds

20. Star in the east to guide the Wise Men

21. Huge catch of fish #1

22. Huge catch of fish #2

23. Widow’s son raised from the dead

24. Lazarus raised from the dead

25. Soldiers fell to the ground at Jesus’ words

26. Pentecost tongues and gospel proclamation

27. Apostles heal many people

28. Saul knocked down and converted

29. Tabitha raised from the dead

30. Peter’s “Sheet vision”

31. Peter escapes prison

32. Paul recovers from a stoning

33. Paul and Silas sprung from jail

34. Handkerchiefs and aprons heal the sick

35. Paul predicts shipwreck.

Alright, so obviously these were not in chronological order and there are many many more were these come from, honestly, just read the New Testament for yourself. You will be so blown away by what God did through these people and also what he can do through you.

-Comment down below about what weird things you have heard people assume about homeschoolers.-

4 Kommentare

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
09. Mai 2021

It's truly amazing everything God has done!

Hmmmm... No comments yet.... Y'all aren't very obedient! 😂 (I'm jk ofc)

Some people assume that I/we do school in my pajamas every day. (Well this is more of a "Why don't you" & "I would if I were home schooled" kind of moment.)

That I/we get good grades no matter what.

That we're weird. (Raise your hand if you get this. I feel like everyone gets this one!)

That I have no "taste" or "style".

That I'm in a bubble. (I like my bubble thank you very much! (Lol I'm jk. Although I'm sure all homeschoolers have one because otherwise we might as well just go to public school!)

Well that was…

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Natalie L.
Natalie L.
10. Mai 2021
Antwort an

YES! That is a VERY common one! Poor misguided souls... *sigh*


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