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Writer's picture: IsaacBIsaacB

I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I’m not even Independent. I believe in the Constitution.

Political parties are what’s wrecked the country, not whoever the president is.

Facebook is the ultimate bully pulpit.

To reach the top you must start at the bottom.

The American republic ended. It became the American democracy.

Doing something hard makes it easier.

Sometimes impossible just means something takes work.

Parents should stop accusng their children of their own faults.

The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction on a lot of the cases presented to it.

Abortion is unconstitutional.

The frequent cause of abortion is unbiblical.

If you want to fix the country, start with the people.

Jesus died. Jesus rose from the grave. Anyone who says otherwise is either selfish or disinformed.

The cure to disinformation is information, not uninformation.

If you ever feel discouraged, just remember that there’s always someone worse off than you.

Don’t rush in, but don’t hesitate either.

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes possible in a very narrow field.

Genius is an alloy of patience, creativity, and perseverance.

No man is a failure who has friends.

Don’t let a few billionaires ruin your day.

The odds of evolution taking place are one in 10^100. That’s more than all the atoms in all the stars in all the galaxies in the known universe.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Without God, nothing is anything. With God, everything is something.

Writing is arranging words on a page. Authoring is making sense of them.

Covid is the same as the flu, only milder.


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Not Shellyfish🐚
Not Shellyfish🐚
May 16, 2022

I can't help asking: what's covid?😶

May 21, 2022
Replying to

Good for ya'll!!! In Florida they stayed open too; I wanted to move there sooo bad😂.


Mint (evelyn)
Mint (evelyn)
May 14, 2022

If I feel discouraged- thinking about others worse off makes me feel even worse for complaining about my situation. Instead I think of those who have been in terrible pits as I yet left a great impact on the world or climbed out of their stuck surroundings and moved forward. THAT'S my own advice, and maybe it's not for everyone, but thinking about others worse off than you is not a helpful thought for everyone, including me.

May 15, 2022
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That’s true as well, but what it comes down to is, thank God for giving you anything at all. Everyone is blessed beyond measure by the facts of their existence. We have to appreciate it.


May 13, 2022

What can I say but amen?

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