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Walking by Faith ~ Be a Model

Hey there, everyone!

And a warm "Vipi" for all my Tanzanian friends!

How many of you have at least one younger brother or sister in your home?

For those of you who do, you may be familiar with the phrase, "Set a good example for your siblings."

Why is that so?

Why is it quite important to set an appropriate example for those younger humans in the house?

The simple answer to this question is the fact that your younger sibling(s) love you - yes, they do, it's true! Because they love you, they will be watching your every move, observing your way of life, and copying what they would think of as "cool" and "interesting".

Think of it in another way: Who is your hero?

Who do you "look up to"?

Who do strongly admire and aspire to be like?

Your parents?


Taylor Swift?

Hugh Jackman?

Larry the Cucumber?

Why do you want to be like him/her?

Probably due to the fact that what they do inspires you.

You find their work to be "cool" and "interesting".

Believe it or not, that is the way your younger siblings view you, sometimes!

With that being said, let's think a little deeper.

As children of God, are we setting a good example for our Christ?

Yes, Christians - the church of Christ - and God are considered a family. Church isn't just a place you go to sing songs and pray, but it's a family. Amazing, right?

  • "See how great a love the Father has given us, that we would be called children of God; and in fact we are..." (1 John 3:1)

  • "For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:50)

God's word urges us to set an example for other believers, other siblings, of the church.

  • "Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)

If we can't set an example for other believers, how will we ever be able to set an example for the lost world?

Therefore, let's set the proper example for others.

Whether it's dressing modestly or reading our Bible everyday.

Whether it's watching our mouth or assisting the elderly in the nursing home.

Whether it's serving dinner for our family or babysitting for a single mom.

Let's be an exceptional model for Jesus.

They're watching...


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3 commenti

15 ago 2022

i always wait for your posts so eagerly... and they always keep coming to bite me in the butt about the things i need to work on😅 i needed this, thank you!!

Mi piace

As a big sister, I can say this is a really good reminder. Thank you!!

Mi piace
15 ago 2022
Risposta a

as the youngest in my house, but a role model to ur 'lil bro, i can also relate. Thanks so much for this!😊

Mi piace
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