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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 12/16/20

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Blog #30


Okay, first of all, DID YOU NOTICE THAT THIS IS THE 30th EDITION OF THE EVERY-OTHER-DAY BLOGGO?! It’s like an anniversary or somethin’. *sniffs* I’m so proud of myself. *sniffs* Okay, whatever, if you’ve noticed I’m in a very weird mood today… tonight… this evening… (Yes, I AM writing this at 6 o’clock at night, I apologize.)

Daily Quote: “I’m painting a blue square in my backyard so that google earth thinks I have a pool.” I mean, I would do that except that if I did, I’d be grounded for a month…

Useless Fact: “The word “sinister” is Latin for “left” because left-handed people were often thought of as suspicious or evil.” Need I note that my older sister is left-handed. AHEM. That would explain a few things…

Yes, I know that this blog is a few days late but that was NOT my fault! I have a very good excuse, just give me some time to figure out what it is…

What’s up with Me: SNOW!!! SNOWWWWW!!! SNOWSNOWSNOWSNOWSNOWSNOW!!!! The world is covered in a blanket of white, and it feels like nothing could go wrong… NOW IF TRUMP WOULD JUST HURRY UP AND GET IN OFFICE!!!! (Sorry, no political rants) In short, SNOW MAKES EVERYTHING AMAZING!!!! *twenty-four hours later* *snow has melted* OOOOKAY, WHO’S THE WISE GUY WHO STOLE MY SNOW!?!?!?! SOMEBODY is in trouble…

STORY TIME! Yes, I gotta do Part two of Bobless Story so here goes…

Bobless Story Part 2-

Welp, the setting is the same as part one, only this half of the story takes place a week or so after Jamie’s almost-flattening. (only this time, Jamie’s a ninja) So, again, they were in church, BUT this time they were the first ones in church instead of the last. Look, Nicole’s family has a key to the church, so they were there, opening it up for a Bible Quizzing practice. But Jamie and Helen’s fam got there a little early (this is VERY uncharacteristic of them, btw) Wellll, this was when Jamie’s plan of revenge came to her. (Not a ninja yet, but close) A devious scheme formed in her mind to attack Nicole, the same way as Nicole attacked her. Nicole was walking around in the church trying to turn all the lights on, when out from behind her, NINJA JAMIE EMERGED! (now she’s a ninja) She jumped on Nicole’s back and then, (she flunked ninja training school, in case you were wondering…) she fell off and flopped onto the ground with a THUD. Now although Ninja Jamie really isn’t that threatening, Nicole screamed… VERY loudly. If you ask her, I think she would claim that she was only “surprised”, but I’ll let you viewers decide. (Oh yeah, since Jamie DID get Nicole to scream, she sees it as a success. But, again, I’ll let you viewers decide…)

Prayer Challenge: Pray for your family.


*inhale* MEEEEEEERRRRRY CHRISTMASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pants*


~Selah <3


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