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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 5/26/22

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Blog #45

5/26/2022- Super Epic Quote: “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” My new favorite quote, y’all. I mean, I feel like I’ll have a new fav tomorrow but I’m the one running this circus and I shall do as I please. *sniff* Where was I… oh hey lookie here I’m actually back to posting every other day, how shocking. I think I should make this a holiday…



I really like that flame emoji now… and also this one 😱 and this one 🙌🏽 and this one ✨ but if you’re Katie or someone else I talk to* regularly then you already know that. If you’re my sis Elly, then you now that I’ve picked up two more favorite words, Epic and Perks. Epic is just epic. 😐🤯 And perks is fun to say.

*Should it really be 'talk to' if I text/email you? Something to think about.

Also, have you ever noticed how much fun some names are to scream? Like I have a friend Jocelyn, and one time she was late to soccer practice, so I yelled, “JOCELYN” in like a growly voice and it sounded epic. Perks guys, perks. And then my friend Katya’s full name is Katya... actually y’all can’t know her full name for her privacy but just know it’s really fun to say.

Also I have a story.

This story is about Katya.

This story is actually part of an email that I’m taking a part from because I. Felt. Like. It. And also I think it’s funny soooOooOoooOoOOOOooo buckle up kids.

There’s this friend I got, her name’s Katya, we grew up together, known each other our whole lives, the works. So, you know of Jo, right? [for y'all blog readers that would be Josephus from previous blogs] Well a friend of ours who plays soccer with us is named Josh Cranmer, but Jo’s like, nahhhh that’s too boring and decides to rename him Cranberry. (yk Cranberry, Cranmer…?) It was Cranberry’s birthday sometime last month, and it was also our other friend [Adoniram]’s birthday too. So we were at church and found out that [Adoniram] and Cranberry share a birthday and I was like, “Omww Elly [Adoniram] and Cranberry have the same birthday” and Katya’s like, "cRaNbErrY?! wHaT tHe whAt WhAt nOw?!" So we tell her of this broski named Cranberry. And she asked what his real name is. And we told her. And she was disappointed that he had such a basic name. (c’mon Josh, you should have been born with a better name, everyone knows a Josh these days…) So she decided to rename THIS GUY THAT SHE’S NEVER MET IN ALL HER BORNED DAYS….

His new name is…


👌🏽 She’s a great person…"

So I won’t tell you Katya’s last name for her privacy, but I’ll tell you Cranberry’s? Absolutely!

Rando Section by me thing: “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Since I claimed Teddy’s phrase and modified it in our last blog, I thought it only fair that we dissect it now. We’ll take it word by word, section by section, and discover (if there’s anything to discover) the real depth of this saying.

“There is nothing.” Obviously, these words came at a time of great pain in Teddy’s life. Perhaps after he charged up San Juan Hill with his buddies, he felt a pang of emptiness as he surveyed the wreckage his mighty sword had caused, and—

Hang on a sec. Let me get my facts straight.

*Checks history textbook*

OoOOoooOkay so apparently it was FDR who said that. Not Teddy. -_-

So perhaps the emptiness struck him after he got polio and lost the use of his legs…? Actually that’s depressing let’s move on.

Remember FDR’s fireside chats? Well if you don’t, they were these radio broadcasts he put out to tell the American peoples what he was doing to their nation and whatnot. So he ended the one about the bank holiday with his well-known phrase. But imagine the mishaps if one family with a static-y radio was listening and heard,

“There is nothing… *static* but fear itself…”

Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. Very optimistic Pres.

Let’s keep going. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Since the word fear is used twice and equals basically the same thing let’s try substituting other words in its place.

There is nothing to bagel except bagel itself.

I’m not feeling it.

There is nothing to cook except cook itself.

Don’t think about that one too long… (hint: remember, a cook is a person too)

There is nothing to hear except hear itself.

That might be interesting if the second hear was spelled here. ‍️🤷🏽‍♀️

Annnd that’s all folkies I gotta go it’s 3:00 and I’ve still got TONS of schoolwork. 😬


(don’t gloat, Collin, I was short on time)


Btw it was May 22 smh smh.


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
May 28, 2022

My sister’s name is Jocelyn 😆


Unknown member
May 27, 2022

I enjoy the Christopher Robin quote at the beginning of your blog.😄

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