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Hello World! - 10/7/21

Writer's picture: Natalie L.Natalie L.

Hey everyone!

Sorry about all the random posts lately. I haven’t been keeping up with my normal posting schedule. I have decided to change the blog schedule to once a month because things have been busy lately. Occasionally I might post more often, but only when I have time.

Those are all the announcements I have for this week, so let’s jump into the blog.

What did the male dancer say when his twins were born?

It’s all about balance now that I’m a pas de deux.

(For all you non dancers out there a pas de deux (pronounced: pa de doo) means a dance for two.)

So the other day I was having a kind of a bleh day. The kind of day that isn’t bad, but it isn’t good either. (You know what I mean.) I got on Hangouts and I was reading all the missed messages when I saw that someone had complimented me. That compliment made my day!

Now you may be saying: What kind of a post is this?? Did she seriously write a blog to say that she received a compliment??

And the answer is: No! I’m writing this post to say that words mean a lot. What you say can make or break someone's day!

I bet every person in this room- err website! loves to get compliments (even if they won’t admit it). I know I do!

Besides getting compliments it feels good to give them too! Giving compliments releases Oxytocin (the love hormone). Oxytocin is a happiness chemical so it might end up making your day a lot better!

So maybe next time you like someone’s outfit, hairstyle, or anything else about them say so! Tell them what you like about them! Also, I find that a lot of times it feels even better to give compliments than it does to get them!

Compliments are one way, but you don’t have to give a compliment to speak life. It’s important to always speak life every day and in every situation. (Cue TobyMac song)

Well, this blog was kinda short but I hope I got my message across.

Lift your head a little higher

Spread the love like fire

Hope will fall like rain

When you speak life with the words you say

Raise your thoughts a little higher

Use your words to inspire

Joy will fall like rain

When you speak life with the things you say

~ TobyMac

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Here is the link to the song if you want to listen to it!

I wrote this post back in April but I never posted it.

I’m very sorry about not posting in a while! I promise you won’t have to wait so long for the next one!!!

TYSM for reading!

Bye Friends!


✨abbsy babbsy✨
✨abbsy babbsy✨
Oct 07, 2021

right when i started singing "speak life, speak liiiiffffeee" in my head, i read *cue TobyMac song* XD wonderful post, and it's so true. getting a compliment when you're not feeling well is a whole game-changer. especially when your bad mood is based off of insecurity, or basically anything that causes you to be down in the dumps. when you're feeling bad about yourself and someone compliments you, it can really change you. one small compliment can really go a long way. and giving them is even better. you get to know that you helped someone in such a huge way, and it wasn't even hard to do. great post, and great reminder!

Unknown member
Apr 20, 2022
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Me, too!

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