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Hello World! - 2/2/21

Writer's picture: Natalie L.Natalie L.

Blog Post #3

Snow, Snow, Snow! We finally got some snow! Since I have snow sitting around outside as I write this blog, guess what it’s going to be about? You guessed it. Snow!

What happened when the snowman got angry?

He had a meltdown!

Snow is one reason why I love winter so much so it’s only natural that I would write a blog post about it. I don’t really have a story from these last couple days so I figured I would just jumble together some random thoughts and things that I do in the snow.

Have you ever slid down a slide that has snow on it? If you haven’t then go do it next time it snows, but make sure there’s enough accumulation that there’s a snow pile at the bottom so that when you slide off really fast you land in the snow. It is SO much fun! In my opinion you're never too old to play on a playground in the snow & besides playing on a snow covered playground is 10 times better than playing on a normal one. Ok so I don’t know if my family is the only one that does this but we make snow cones in the winter we go outside and get some nice fresh snow (only if it’s deep enough) and make snow cones. I don’t know if this is just me but I think the texture of real snow is so much different (and better) than summer snow cones that are made with shaved ice “aka” man made snow. Another thing my family does if the snow is deep enough is make snow cream. Snow cream is basically snow with a vanilla cream mixed into it. My family likes to top ours with chocolate sauce but sometimes my parents and I just leave it plain. My favorite snow treat though is hot chocolate. I love to come inside to a nice steaming mug of hot chocolate and go sit by the heater while I drink it. The only thing missing in that scene is a fire if it was a fire instead of a heater then it would be perfect. I mean winter aesthetic am I right?

Hmmm interesting I just looked the word aesthetic up (to make sure I was using it right) and it actually doesn’t mean what people use it as (most of the time, that is). Which brings me to a pet peeve of mine. When people use words lightly and the word they use means something more. An example is the word awesome. Originally the word awesome meant to be in awe of something or someone but our culture has changed it to mean excellent or extremely well. This whole word meaning swap it just- ugh- argh- (those are my feelings about it). Have you ever heard the song; My God is an Awesome God? Yeah? Well that’s good because it’s a great song & it basically tells what awesome is supposed to be used as. God is awesome, heaven is awesome, God's creation is awesome. In fact everything about God is awesome. Well thanks for listening to my short pet peeve rant. I did not intend to include this but I decided to anyways. Who knows maybe some of you found this interesting? Although now I probably have lost half of my readers. Lol.

So in conclusion: I absolutely love the snow, I hate when people use words the wrong way, & I have cut the word awesome out of my everyday language. (The last one by the way was very hard to do. In fact I’m still tempted to say it about things, but I decided to reserve it for God because He is truly awesome.)

FUN FACTS: (Today is February 2nd)

  • The hottest chili pepper in the world is so hot that it could kill you.

  • Today in 1709 British sailor Alexander Selkirk was rescued by William Dampier after being marooned on a desert island for 5 years, his story inspired “Robinson Crusoe”.

  • Today in 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the first Groundhog Day was observed.

  • Today in 1922 it was 2:22:22 on 2/2/22. (This will actually happen again next year)

  • Today in 1925 Dog sleds reach Nome, Alaska with emergency diphtheria serum after 1000-km (if you have ever seen the movie Balto or heard about this epidemic than this fact might interest you)

Quote: Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit. - Anonymous

Until Next Time Friends!


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 04, 2021

Sorry if this blog wasn't my best I was in a hurry to write it since it was already a day late.

The next blog is going to be much better (hopefully)

Sneak Peak: The next blog is going to feature a special guest.


Feb 04, 2021

We hardly get any snow in South Carolina! It's 'snowed' at least twice this winter. As in once we had light snowfall for 30 seconds. And then we had it for maybe 20 minutes another time. Nothing stuck. (I think we may have had snow last year or the year before... usually it's only an inch if it stays. And then it's gone after 2 days)

"Let your speech be seasoned with salt" I think it is good to strive for truthfulness in your speech so that you actually do mean what you say. If there's actual weight behind your words, they will be more effective.

We had an audio recording telling about Balto. (I have dim memories of it...…

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