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Laugh Out Loud - Why I Lock the Car Doors When I'm Driving

Writer's picture: Not Shellyfish🐚Not Shellyfish🐚

Here’s yet another short story from July.

So usually my mom lets me drive a bit right after church, and this one Sunday my sister (not my real sister, we adopted each other, it’s a long story) happened to be there with her *ahem* nEw hUsBaNd 🤭 and some other friends who’ve already gotten used to seeing me drive. My sister’s seen me driving on video before but this was the first time she got to witness it in person.

I had to back the car down a slope where it was parked and the guys were behind so they didn’t see who was driving until I was parallel to them. Then my sis was like oookayy girl and made a gesture for me to roll down the window. In my haste, I hit the door lock instead of the window thingy and then quickly unlocked the doors and put down the window. Sis was like “we wanted to see if you knew where the window thing is, because we heard locking.”

🫣I was like “oh that? Uh, yeah, I totally meant to do that” (then locked the doors again) “I always do that when I’m driving.”

Then sis’s husband be like “oh you do, do you?” and I said “yeah I do.” And then he asked why. While I was still trying to think up a good explanation, my life-saving sister goes “maybe to keep your passengers from escaping?” I was like “yeah, that’s it! See, you get me.”

And then I sped off before her husband could question me further, because he knows his wife and I come up with the silliest things that don't make sense.


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2023. szept. 18.

Love this shells😂😂

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