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Attending the Truth - Powerful Words of Prayer

Writer's picture: Selah 2Selah 2

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Hej!! That means hello in Swedish!! I love how you can say hello so many different ways. Like in Hawaii, Aloha means hello and goodbye. That must get confusing, Imagine someone walking up to you and saying hello and you say Aloha and them getting all offended. The fascinating thing about greeting someone is that it can be all complicated, like; greetings in salutations my fellow peers. Or it can be really simple. I used to think that when I prayed, I had to be all fancy and all confusing with a bunch of thees and thous, but in reality? You can just say "Dear Jesus." Or "Dear Heavenly Father God." God accepts our prayers no matter if you stumble over words or not. God has been described as our Father, and unlike your earthly father he would never make a mistake, get mad at you and not forgive you, and he will never disappoint you. He will always hear you. As Mark 11:24 says; "Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received, and it will be yours." I can't lie to you, God doesn't answer prayer the way that we want him to. We recently watched I still believe as my amazing sister mentioned, Jeremy Camp prayed for his beautiful wife to be healed and she was!! For about seven months. Enough time for them to get married and enjoy their honeymoon. God granted them enough time together to get married, he didn't have to heal her. That is how much God loved them! It might seem unfair, why did he take her? God works in ways unseen to our eyes. He had a plan for her, he used her. While she suffered then, now? She's in heaven. Praising and worshipping her beautiful savior. Something that I hope and pray that I will be able to do one day too. This dirty, broken, beautiful world is only temporary. This pain that you have will be gone one day. While it will be hard, in the end you will receive a reward from the God of all. Since Melissa Camp, the wife of Jeremy Camp, died she's affected many hearts, mine included. She has showed me that whatever I go through, that if I trust in God and hold on to him, he will bless me. The bible says that all things are possible to those who believe. (Mark 9:23) God will never leave you nor forsake you. You can always pray to hime, talk to him, and he will guide you through this life. Sadly, for you to believe, there is a cost. Satan does not want us to trust in our beautiful savior. He will throw lies at us from every direction but when this happens, pray. Imagine prayer being like a shield and when Satan throws lies at the shield, some slip under the radar. When a little seed of she doesn't like me, or he ignores me because I'm not good enough, gets through that shield and we believe it, that little seed grows into a full out lie. You may say to yourself that God made a mistake in making you. And you may stop praying and talking to god because of this, but the thing is, as Christians it is our duty to pray. It is impossible to be a christian and to not pray. You can pray anywhere at anytime. Standing up, sitting down, in a room full of people, or alone. Wherever we are God accepts our prayer, but we cannot stop praying!!! Satan is very determined to hurt you because prayer is a dangerous to him, when we pray we become Warriors. We are equipped to fight against him and we are chosen, accepted, loved and that is not what he wants us to hear. The devil feels unwanted and unloved and that feeling is what he wants to share with us. He wants to discourage us from loving him, he knows that in the end he's gonna go to the deepest darkest pits and be alone, he wants us to go with him, to not believe. Don't fall into the devil's trap it is exactly what he wants us to do. God loves us, he said so many times over and over and over in the Bible. Why do you think that he created this beautiful world for us? We have to believe because with God we can do anything. "Faith of the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. I pray that ya'll believe these words because when you believe in God and have an intimate relationship with him your heart over-flows with the love of God and you have peace in times of distress.

Dear Jesus,

I am so thankful for these wonderful people. Thank You that when family and friends let me down I can come to you and be satisfied. LORD, help us to glorify you with our whole being. Help us to love you and to worship you. Help us to serve you when we don't want to. I don't know much but, LORD, what I do know is that your love is the only thing that I need. That, though we suffer now, one day we will be able to stand before you. LORD, if theres anyone reading this today that does not, touch their hearts. Help them to know you. Even if they do believe you, its so easy to fall into routine and not praise you and you get pushed to the back of schedules, LORD, help us to put you first each day. Thank you for a new week with new chances.

In Jesus' beautiful name,


1 Comment

Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Apr 26, 2021


That was beautifully written. It all tied together perfectly!❤️

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