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Attending the Truth - The truth of the matter

Writer's picture: Selah 2Selah 2

Ohayo!! That’s hello in Japanese! Just so you know, I tried to say that out loud and sounded like a chicken choking. Some people are good with languages, I am not. English still gives me trouble. Anyway, the topic of this blog today is Salvation. Most of my friends are Christians which is both a good and bad thing. Good because I can surround myself with fellow believers in Chris but bad because one day, I’m going to come across someone one day who doesn’t like me because I’m a believer and I can only hope that I am able to share with that person the great news and not stumble over myself. The thing about Christians is that there are many denominations. My mom and this lady had been talking and the lady doesn’t believe that you can keep your salvation. She’s a Christian but it’s one of the things she doesn’t believe. I don’t mean to insult the lady, but I believe that once you are truly saved nothing can separate you from the love of God not death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor powers, nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God.(Romans 8: 38-39) If you are truly a believer and believe that Jesus Christ died and was raised from the dead the bible says that you will be saved. In Galatians 2:21 it says, I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. (Nullify means to make invalid) The thing about salvation is you can’t lose it and if you could lose is you can’t give it back-it was a gift. The gift of salvation was the best present that we could ever receive! Jesus died on that cross for us to be able to spend eternity. By the time I was 10 I must have heard the story of Jesus 1000 times. But by that time, it was almost…boring. But then I was in a Sunday school class, and it was truly revealed what he went through. He had nails through is wrists. His feet were nailed together, and he hung on a dirty wooden cross for hours in pure agony while the very people he was dying for jeered and spat on him. His back was bloody and raw from the whippings. I don’t mean to disgust you or make you feel sick, but THIS is what he went through. He loved us so much that he did all that for us and some people think that after all that he would let you lose your salvation within the space of a few seconds? I don't mean to belittle anyone or step on any toes, but this is what happened. We didn’t earn salvation therefore we can’t lose it. Jesus loved me, loved you, loved the meanest person enough to die for us. That alone should make people want to turn to him. I have more to say on the matter but feel like today’s topic was kind of heavy but so there’s going to be a part 2. I feel like we kinda got off topic today but hey, hopefully it helped someone!!

Dear heavenly father God,

Thank you for giving us the choice of believing in you. Thank you for not giving up on us when we are at our worst. For loving us when we are unlovable. Thank you for these wonderful people on bju. Thank you for sending your son down to die for us. Help us to stand up for your name when we hear people mocking it. Help us to serve you and to love you. Thank you for providing us with the opportunities to just be here together today. Help us all to praise you. Bless all these wonderful peoples and help them to have a great week.

-In Jesus Name,



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