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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 1/20/21

Writer's picture: SelahSelah


Quote of the Day: "Galileo: Great mind. Einstein: Genius mind. Newton: Extraordinary mind. Me: Never mind." This is why my grades look like... never mind, let's not talk about that... jk lol.

Useless Fact of the Day: "You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday." Uh, happy birthday! ... if it is your birthday, I hope you have a nice funeral already arranged... heaven will be wonderful, I guarantee... WHAT'S NEXT...

What’s Up with Me: Do y’all ever have that moment when you’re like, “AUGHHHHH I’M SUCH A STUPID DOPEY DORKY DUMBOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” (Not the elephant, he’s cute not dumb… well, I could be wrong about that-he never took an IQ test as far as I know…) Welllllll, I just had one. (Not an IQ test, a DUMBOOOOOOOO moment) I was talking with a super sweet girl on Spanish 1 discussion and she said, “I rlly like ur pfp… YORKIES ARE AWESOME!!!” (A few days ago my pfp was a SUPER CUTE Yorkie puppy doggo) And me, being Selah, thought she was talking about New Yorkers… not the dog, and said, “YES WE ARE AWESOME! XDXDXD 😋” And I thought everything was fine and dandy till I showed that message to Elly (my sister) and she was like, “Well stuff me with feathers and call me a pillow, SELAH SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT THE DOG!!!” and then I was like, “I’m a dog?” It took me a few minutes to understand what she meant, but I finally realized I had called myself a dog… Life is a strange thing…

STORY TIME! Today’s story is a SPECIAL story, so get ready to laugh, CRY, or do whatever it is you do when you read one of these things. (Hopefully, that doesn’t include sighing boredly…)

*clears throat*

Today’s story is the FIRST edition of The Every-Other-Day Bloggo to include our VIP Guest Star, THE SASS MASTER!!!!


Oh, you don’t know who on earth I’m talking about? Welllllll, I was going to save this story for another day, but ig y’all need to know how The Sass Master got her name. REWIND!


Once upon a time, on a Sunday about, oyyyy, three years ago, a few of the kids were rehearsing for a Christmas play. Amanda (we narrators like to call her Mandie) was sitting on Jamie’s lap and chattering away to her. She was about five years old at this point, and in her opinion, VERY accomplished for her age. Jamie and Mandie were observing all of the rehearsing and critiquing what they liked and didn’t like. (Obviously, Amanda did most of this) After a little while, Andrew (he’s also one of the kids at Helen’s church. He’s about Jamie’s age, perhaps a little older, but not NEARLY as mature. He’s like that kid who jokes a lot and gets into a fair amount of trouble, like a proper boy.) So he came over and starting making faces at Mandie. Mandie, like a proper little girl, was VERY offended by this behavior (Don’t ask me why) and glared at him with all the sass that a five-year-old could glare with. Pretty soon Andrew decided he’d made her mad enough for one day, and he walked away. As soon as he was gone, Mandie turned to Jamie and said, “He can’t look at me like that and get away with it!” *hairflip* After the rehearsing was over, Jamie laughingly told Andrew what Mandie had said. His jaw dropped twenty-three thousand feet. “SERIOUSLY?!” When Jamie nodded he said, “We gotta be careful Jamesies, we got a Sass Master in the area." Thus, Mandie got her name.

Prayer Challenge: Goodness, I don’t think I need to remind y’all to do this but PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY about whatever the next four years are going to bring with *cough, cough* Biden. In. Office. Oh boy…



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