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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 11/30/20

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Updated: Dec 16, 2020



Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I’m a terrible person. I’m SORRY! Really, I am! It’s not my fault that I don’t have time to Blog Every-Other-Day, it just happens! Okay, this time I mean it, I WILL blog every-other-day. (No my fingers WEREN’T crossed when I said that. Trust me on this one?)

Daily Quote: “If people in movies would have listened to me, they would still be alive.” Nuff said.

Useless Fact of the Day: “Before the 1880s there were no separately designed shoes for right and left feet.” Wow, peeps must’ve been real stiff walkers back then…

Sup people. Btw, that greeting up thar is “Hello” in Chinese. But you’ve prolly figured that out by now. And you should be warned that I have NO EARTHLY IDEA of WHAT IN TARNATION I’m gonna write about, so if this is the dullest blog post you’ve ever read, I apologize.

What’s up with Me: Ohmygoodness, yesterday evening I had so. Much. Fun. We had this Thanksgiving service at my church and after the service I went in the café in my church with my friend and her siblings and I had a blast playing with the little ones and we played this like really kid-y game but I had the most fun I’ve had in a long time playing it with them and WOAH THIS IS LIKE THE LONGEST RUN ON SENTENCE IN HISTORY. I dare any of y’all to top that, lol.

STORY TIMEEEEEE!!!! Ooookay, if this is Story Time, I actually need a story, don’t I? Okie Dokie, let’s see what I can come up with… *Fifteen minutes later* Alrighty, I got one. And it’s kind of a Bob Story, except Bob isn’t in it, so this is an Bobless Story.

Bobless Story #1

So, it all started out on a Monday night, when Helen and Jamie were at the church with their friends Nicole and Gary (Nicole and Gary are brother and sister bless their dear little hearts). The foursome were the last ones in church (actually their parents were there too because no one in their right mind would leave that group of crazy teenagers in the church ALONE), and since they were the last ones there, it was their duty to turn out all the lights so the church electric bill wouldn’t be blown up as high as the empire state building. (duh) Jamie’s dad turned out one of the lights and told Jamie to go out the back door (the back door is in the church's café so she had to walk there from the fellowship hall which is where she was standing.) When Nicole heard this, a devious plan formed in her mind. Before I elaborate what, this plan was, I want to describe their difference in physique. Nicole is a basketball and soccer player. She’s also a BLACKBELT (note all caps there) in karate. She’s about 5 feet 6 inches tall, and VERY fit and VERY scary to mugs who might wanna like steal or somethin. Now talk about Jamie. Jamie is 5 feet 1 inch. She does play soccer so maybe that kept her from getting flattened? Oh, oops, let’s not get ahead of the story now. She’s just your typical sweet little shrimp. (And now she is going to kill me) Okay, back to the devious plan. Nicole thought that when Jamie started to walk past her, she could jump on her back. Welp, when Jamie started towards the back door you guessed it, dear little blackbelt/basketball/soccer player Nicole jumped on top of Jamie. And Jamie SCREAMED. (This is incredible since Helen has NEVER heard her sister scream before!) So then she gave Nicole a short lecture and the two of them headed out the back door. But, little did Nicole know, that Jamie was planning a devious plan of REVENGE!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN. And guess what? I DON’T HAVE TIME TO FINISH THIS STORY!!!!

To be continued!


~Selah <3


1 commentaire

01 déc. 2020

Happy belated Thanksgiving and happy 1st day of December!

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