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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 12/18/20

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Blog #31

How. ✋

Daily Quote(s): “Hearing noises when home alone and just accepting the fact that you’re going to die.” AMEN. “*HOME ALONE* Well, I hope the neighbors like THIS SONG.” Too true… *writes blog while blasting music* “Having a pet is great. You can blame all suspicious sounds on them. *BANG* ‘What was that?’ ‘Oh, it was just the fish.’” Me: *hears sound* *spins around* “CHASEYYYY PROTECT ME!!!!!” (To all you imbeciles who don’t know me, Chasey is my dog.) (I'm KIDDING!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS NONE OF YOU ARE IMBECILES!!! Well, there is always that one kid... 😉)

Useless Fact: “In Minnesota a person may not cross state lines with a duck on their head.” Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaa?

What’s Up With me: If you haven’t already figured it out yet, I am home alone while writing this blog. Or I was home alone. Ya see, I started this blog a few days ago but didn’t get the chance to finish it till now so yeah… OKAY, first I have to tell you how AMAZING it was that my mom ACTUALLY left my sister and I home alone! She’s rlly strict and protective about what we do (if you knew how many limits, we have you’d probly have an emotional breakdown), so she claimed that she would never leave us home alone until my sister was eighteen. 😑 Nope. We convinced her otherwise. Look, my parents needed to go grocery shopping, but the only time they could was on Monday during the day, cuz my dad was working from home on that day. Since we really didn’t want to get behind in school, we were like, *in whiny voice* “Moooooom, we can’t go shopping today, we’ve got school!” So, in the end we won, and my mom left us *gulp* HOME ALONE. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! Right after our parental units left, I ran through the house screaming then I ran into our sunroom, picked up my dog and danced around with him. Ahhhhhh, freedom was wonderful. While I did all this my sister just started laughing and was like, “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this!” She’s pretty cynical. (I don’t even know what that word means, lol) So, after I put down my dog, I went over to the piano and played it for about ten minutes until Briiiiiiing! Mom called. I was like “Sheesh mom, don’t you trust us? We didn’t set the house on fire yet.” So Elly picked up the phone and talked to my mom who heard me playing piano in the background and said she wanted to talk to me. Busted. Then I got on the phone with her and she gave me a short motherly lecture about how I shouldn’t be wasting my time playing piano and should get back to school. And I was like, “Uhuhm, whatever you say mother dear.” Then I went back to the piano and played for a few more minutes, XD. Then Elly was like, “SELAHDIDN’TMAMAJUSTTELLYOUTODOSCHOOL?!” So I had to do school. But after we finished all our work we got to go in the basement and watch smtg. By the time we watched half the movies we were all watched out, so we went upstairs and Elly started pestering me about writing the blog sooo, this is the result! Then I wrote about five sentences when my parents got home. They were like, “How was it?” And I was like, “Phfft, pretty boring till we set of the fireworks.” And my dad was like, “YOU DID WHAT?!” And Elly was like, “She was kidding.” BOOM, that was my adventure.

Prayer Challenge: Pray for a third-world-country.

Un-How. ✋

-Selah <3

P.S. Sorry if this blog was boring, I had a very small amount of time to write it in. Promise Monday’s blog will be better. Love y’all!


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