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The Every-Other-Day Bloggo - 2/3/21

Writer's picture: SelahSelah

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

Blog #34

Howdy Folkies!

Quote of the Day: “My ancestors were human. Sorry about yours.” AHEM. #SaidByOneHardCoreCreationistyGirl

Useless Fact of the Day: "The super soaker was invented by a NASA engineer." Oh sure that makes plenty of sense... 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄

What’s up With Me: I talked on the phone with a… TELAMARKETER! The conversation only lasted about twenty seconds, BUT… nvrm, I’m getting ahead of meself, let’s go back. My mom was on the phone with my aunt, and they were chatting away in Amharic when the landline phone rang (she was talking on her cell phone, duh). And it was a Toll-Free Call. So I went over, and half said, half whispered, “Can I answer it???” And my mom was like, “Sure…” I don’t think she actually heard what I said, but that’s beside the point. So I answered it and said, “Hola! Buenos Dias! Como Estas? No? Huh, ummm, Ciao dahling, how aaaaare you today? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, have you tried an ice pack?” And I could hear someone on the other end breathing, but they were too freaked out to answer, so they hung up, XD.

STORY TIME! My best friend saved my life! Well, I probly wouldn’t have died. Just gotten a concussion… Confused? Perfect. Now let me go back to last Saturday, January 30th. My sister and I went sledding again with our friends Addie and Harry. Similar to the last time, only it was at a different park, and not with a big group of people. Anyway, we were pretty crazy again this time. Even crazier than the week before. I’ll elaborate how crazy by relating the following event to y’all: There was this little ski ramp on one of the hills in the park. Something you should know about me, is that quarantine turned me into a ridiculously crazy daredevil. So, I decided to go down the ski ramp headfirst. (Kids, don’t try this at home) And when I went over the ramp, my sled somersaulted in the air, forcing me to land on my shoulder blades. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt… much. And then I marched over to the other hill that had an even bigger ski ramp! That time I didn’t go down headfirst tho… Oh, you’re wondering when my friend saved my life? I’M GETTING THERE. LET ME TELL THE STORY MY OWN WAY. So, after going down the even bigger ski ramp, we climbed a couple other hills, and finally made our way to one that had a giant tree at the bottom of it. (NOT A GOOD HILL TO SLED ON) But we decided to go down it anyway, cuz why not? So my sister and Addie went down first, narrowly missing the big tree. They were standing near it telling me to come on down. So I did. I came down headfirst (Whoops) and tried to steer away from the tree but couldn’t. (Houston, we have a problem…) So, Addie jumped in front of my sled and cushioned the blow. THANK YOU, GIRL! So, I’m fine! Or am I…

Prayer Challenge: Pray for Ethiopia. They’re having a Civil War or somethin, and a lot of innocent ppl are dying.

And that’s a wrap!



Feb 06, 2021

I used to love spinach! My grandma would make a puree out of it and feed it to me.


Feb 06, 2021

@Abby: WHY NOOOOOOT????? Its so good!!!!!

@Natalie: lol, Addie's actually Abigail. I just changed her name from "Abby" to "Addie" cuz I thought it would be safer if I didn't put her real name.


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 05, 2021

Subs are like sandwiches but 100 times better.


Feb 05, 2021

Not a fan of spinach but totally for the to go to a sub shop. I love subs!


Natalie L.
Natalie L.
Feb 04, 2021

I loved this post! YAY Addie! Also now that I know Spanish I am so disappointed that we don't have a landline anymore.

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