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Attending the Truth - The Ultimate Sacrifice

Writer's picture: Selah 2Selah 2

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Okay peoples!! We are going to do this a little bit differently today, instead of writing this blog like I'm going to write a paper, I'm going to write it like a.....BLOG!! Wow. Einstein moment there, who would have thunk?

So today we are going to talk about sacrifice, not the kind of sacrifice where you give the last cookie to your sister (though that is the runner up), the greatest sacrifice of all! Okay, you may ask; Selah, why today? Why not last week? Well!! Good question-ya'll are so smart! I knew that the week of Easter a lot of people would be doing it on the ultimate sacrifice and I wanted this to be special so here we are!! Okay, let's get the train back on the tracks. (Is that a saying??)

So as y'all smarties know, the ultimate sacrifice is when the Son of the most high God sacrificed himself for us-for you, me, your neighbor, even your bully, EVERYONE. The problem is that now a days you will meet people who think their above you, even Christians-especially Christians. We can get big heads because we think we're special, while we are special, we are no different than that homeless guy on the street. Because, while we may have a bit more money than him-when you get up to heaven, you're not going to look at God and say; look God!! Look at my fancy clothes, my new car, iPhone, whatever. Because those were things that God GAVE to us. He gave those things to us, out of compassion and love. When we get to heaven, it's all going to depend on our hearts because while we may fool everyone at church, our family, or our friends, God sees what we are on the inside. As Samual 16:7 says, "For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." That's why every morning I pray that God will give me a new heart and a new spirit. That God will take away my heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)

God sent himself to die a horrible death for US. He could have had angels swoop down and save him. WE deserved that cross-not him. But God chose to save us, to love us, to give us hope for a brighter future, to give us a CHOICE about believing in him. So if you think that all the mistakes that you've made will separate you from God, just remember that I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus our LORD.(Romans 8:38-39)

Okay!! That about wraps it up! Sorry it was so long and while I didn't really focus on the the death and resurrection I feel like I said things that needed to be said ;). Let me know if you prefer the way I wrote this blog or the way I previously wrote it. Also; is there a way to dictate this????

God bless!!

1 Comment

Apr 13, 2021

Good idea doing it this week.

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